What would you say is the No. 1 characteristic you look for when bringing a new hire on board to an early-stag...
6 Common Traits All Successful Entrepreneurs Possess
Every entrepreneur has their own story — but the successful ones typically have a few things in common. Certai...
Traits to Get Rid of and Traits to Develop When Running a Business
When it comes to running a business, many things play a role in its success. One of the most major factors is ...
15 Key Traits Entrepreneurs Should Cultivate to Improve Themselves
What is one trait entrepreneurs should cultivate in order to become better business people and leaders? How sh...
15 Valuable Traits To Look For In A New Hire
What is the top characteristic you look for when hiring someone for a brand new team, or to work on a newly de...
11 Important Traits Early-Stage Startup Hires Should Have
What is the top characteristic you look for when hiring someone for a very early-stage company? Why is this as...