Not every debt collector will contact you with a legitimate debt. Some may seek to have you pay an overdue or ...
Security Deposit Acknowledgment Letter (Template & Sample)
A security deposit acknowledgment letter is a professional document verifying a security deposit has been paid...
Resignation Letter for Quitting Your Job (Template + Example)
A Resignation Letter for Quitting Your Job is a letter informing your employer resigning from your position (q...
Job Rejection Letter Format [With Example & Word Template]
After conducting a series of interviews for a job position, every company must accept some candidates and reje...
Sample Proposal Rejection Letter [+ Format & Template]
Every once in a while, a company will advertise a bid. It will then likely receive proposals from diff...
Budget Approval Request Letter (Template & Example)
Once you have finalized a budget for your project or department, you need to have it approved by your superior...
Sample Annual Vacation Request Letter (+ Format & Template)
Every employee is entitled to annual leave. This is a period in the work year when you can use the paid leaves...
Sample Copyright Permission Request Letter (+ Format & Template)
In some instances, you might require to use copyright-protected work. If your use is not an exception in the C...
How to Write the Donation Request Letter (+ Example & Template)
If you run a school, hospital, non-governmental organization, or charitable group, you may need to dra...
Gift Letter for Down Payment (Template, Format & Example)
Depending on your mortgage loan, you could be required to pay 3 to 20 percent of the purchase price as a down ...