A good day is one where you can head into work, focus on your job, and go home feeling accomplished. Unfortuna...
How to talk to your clients about mental health issues
Talking about mental health is never easy, especially when you’re self-employed. But it’s ...
The Power of Talk: 4 Surefire Ways to Get Heard | #powerpointdesigners
Congratulations on being selected to present at your organization’s most significant annual conference! You mu...
Marketing and Sales with Dr. David Kittle
” Sales is basically just a conversation, where one person has a problem and the other has the solution. The ...
New Social Platform Seeks to Swell Ranks With Talk in Displaced Time | Social Media
By John P. Mello Jr. Mar 17, 2021 4:00 AM PT A new social media platform based on voice messaging launched...
Mindful or mind full? Real Talk with Tamara Levitt of Calm | #customersupport #supporticket
How are we feeling today? Are we tired? Exhausted? Feel like you’ve aged 47 years in a week? Yeah, us too. Whi...
How to Talk to Patients On the Phone? | #digital #healthcare #marketing
What is the most important thing you can do to attract more patients to your practice and increase word-of-mou...
You do not talk about Black Friday – Econsultancy
The first rule of Black Friday marketing is: You do not talk about Black Friday. Do you know what the second ...
We need to talk about digital dashboards – Econsultancy
In the last few months, I’ve noticed a trend emerging at the analytics meetups and events I attend. People are...