Reading Time: 6 minutes Did you know, 80% of employees waste an average of 30 minutes per day retrieving info...
Onboarding Process And Other Systems Your HR Department Must Have | #hrmanagement #hrexecutive
Successfully running an HR department in any business is a challenge, but you can improve the department’s per...
5 Free HR Software Systems and Their Catches
Whether it’s a free car or a free side of french fries, we always wonder: “What’s the catch?” That same skepti...
Legacy systems are still holding back financial services from delivering joined-up CX
Adobe’s Digital Trends 2021 report highlights the financial service sector’s digital adoption efforts in the f...
Top 5 POS Systems That Integrate With QuickBooks
Using a point-of-sale (POS) system that integrates with your QuickBooks accounting software will help track yo...
Types of HR Systems: HRIS vs HCM vs HRMS
Reading Time: 5 minutes The global HR software market is growing at a rapid pace. It is expected to reach $25...
The 5 Best HRIS Systems According to Real Users
Almost every growing business will hit a breaking point where storing their employees’ phone numbers a...
Legal technology: Beyond practice management systems | #customersupport #supporticket
As new and more innovative technology weaves its way into every other industry, it comes as no surprise that l...
All You Need to Know About Analytical CRM Systems
Reading Time: 9 minutes An analytical CRM provides top-notch services and increases customer satisfaction tha...
Digital Sales Boom Puts Spotlight on Fraud Control Systems | Security
The move by retailers to online and mobile selling to survive the pandemic has resulted in a significant incre...