Terminating a phone line, whether it’s due to a move, cost-saving efforts, or any other reason, requires a spe...
FedNow Service Cashes Out Faster, With New Fraud Risks
A new banking system that instantly pays out digital transactions could be a big money gain for crooks as onli...
Letter To Discontinue Service To Client: How To Draft It Right!
Q: What is a letter to discontinue services to a client? Answer: A letter to discontinue services to a client ...
Introducing RingCentral-certified hardware phones as a subscription service | #customersupport #supporticket
We are excited to announce that we have expanded our Device-As-A-Service (DaaS) portfolio to give our customer...
Minimize Enterprise Risk with Service Mesh
Any organization working in the cloud has to manage multiple, complex challenges to security and reliability, ...
10 Free Field Service Management Software in 2023 To Optimize Customer Experience
Reading Time: 8 Minutes Published : June 20, 2023 Last Updated: June 20, 2023 Effective field operation...
Car service software
http://usu.kz/langs/en/sto/car_service_program.php When organizing the work of a car service, it is necessary ...
Maximizing Efficiency With BPO Service Providers
Companies often use outsourcing to reduce workloads for in-house employees. This frees up time and res...
Empowering Customer Service Amid Turbulent Times | #customersupport #supporticket
Chatbots are fast becoming part of the digital core of tech tools that companies utilize as a secret weapon to increase their competitive advantage in the customer service arena. At the same time, chatbots are solving a very real problem taking place today: of a decrease in available customer service agents and positive customer experiences due to an economic downturn.
Customer Service: Key to Online Reputation Management | #digital #healthcare #marketing
Your healthcare practice’s online reputation is only as good as your patients’ worst experiences. You...