Here are four questions every company should ask before marketing for consumer bucks. Aug...
Taking the Leap With B2B Customer Experience Tech | Customer Experience
The business-to-consumer shopper experience has undergone a seismic shift in the past few years, thanks in lar...
Recipe for CX Success: Combine Context From Conversations With Speech Analytics | Customer Experience
The contact center uses familiar benchmarks to determine if a call, chat or email is successful or not. Call m...
How Your Contact Center Can Become A Customer Engagement Center
Customer call centers have traditionally focused on dealing with customer issues and concerns. Whether it’s a ...
Turning Research Into Product | Customer Experience
Oracle just published some commissioned research that gives us insights into both CRM generally and the times ...
4 High-Impact E-Commerce Customer Service Trends | Customer Experience
E-commerce has exploded since Amazon and eBay were founded in 1995. Today, e-commerce is part of everyday life...
How Disney World has mastered customer experience – Econsultancy
If there’s one company that knows a thing or two about keeping its customers happy, it’s Disney. This is refl...
What Counts As Best Practice When Keeping Customer Records?
Described by The Economist as “the oil of the digital era”, data is considered extremely valuable to all manne...
How To Cut On Costs And Improve Customer Experience Using Your Business’ TV Screen
As a small business owner, you need to make sure your customers get remarkable experiences if you are to drive...
How digital is changing the automotive customer experience – Econsultancy
Car manufacturers (sometimes called original equipment manufacturers or OEMs) and dealerships have struggled t...