Sample 1 – email letter of continued interest Dear [Admission Committee], I hope this email finds you well. I ...
How the East Texas Council of Governments continued providing vital social services during the pandemic and saved 40% in communication costs | #customersupport #supporticket
This voluntary association of counties, cities, and school districts helps local governments provide social se...
How New England Biolabs® continued contributing to COVID research… even with its staff in lockdown | #customersupport #supporticket
In the medical community’s fight against COVID-19, the media spotlight has focused on the large pharmaceutical...
Sellers Prep for Continued Storm of E-Commerce Activity | E-Commerce
Online sales are projected to surge even after America reopens for business. E-commerce enablement platform Co...
The Information Utility, Continued | Cloud Computing
I’ve been imposing on the world sharing my theory on the formation of an information utility for some ti...