We’re living in a world where “Let’s just jump on a video call,” is one of the most commonly used phrases on a...
The Strategic Role of B2B Customer Support | #customersupport #supporticket
In Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog series based on the whitepaper co-produced by ServiceXRG and TeamSupport, we introduced the concept of how to position the investment in customer support as a strategic value aligned to current business practices and target outcomes, and about the evolving role of B2B customer support.
व्यापार निरंतरता | पुनर्वित्त और डिजिटल परिवर्तन
जब COVID-19 दिखाया गया और एक वैश्विक महामारी बन गई, तो किसी के पास कोई नाटक-पुस्तक नहीं थी – केवल एक निश...
PURSHO CRM is everything you need to Organize, Track, And Nurture your leads and customers.
CRM FOR Everyone | Small & Midsize Businesses | StartUps | Individuals | Freelancers Working with other pe...
TikTok Made Facebook Die This Season
TikTok Can Be The Next Facebook. So much for Chinese tech not being able to become popular in the U.S. While m...
Tips to make your workforce a security front line
Download E-book Cyber security is something that is constantly on our mind here at Unit. This is because, acco...
The top 13 benefits of proactive managed services vs reactive break-fix
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) have to juggle many priorities and daily demands. Acquiring and retain...