An excuse letter is a type of formal letter usually written, explaining to individuals responsible or superior individuals as to why you could not sufficiently adhere to certain policies and fulfill your obligations. An example is the excuse letter for a foot injury, which will inform the responsible parties such as school or work of your condition to prevent undergoing any disciplinary actions as per the stipulated guidelines.

Writing of excuse letters is a common practice among many people. However, writing these letters is not enough; the usually need to be perfectly crafted. Thus, writing a perfect excuse letter will ensure that the information/message reaches the intended target properly, allowing them to make the proper decision regarding your case.

Writing a perfect excuse letter is also important since it will reflect the level of dedication and engagement you have towards the said institution. It will show your sincerity towards breaking the rules and that you acknowledge the inconvenience that may arise from your excuse.

A perfect excuse letter should strive to have the essential parts listed below.

  • Date. This is written first on the top left corner of the page, indicating the exact day you will be handing in the letter to the concerned individuals.
  • Name and Address. This section is written immediately below the date. It entails the name of the recipient of the letter or the office associated. Below this should be a brief address of the recipient organization, which will also entail the city location of the institution.
  • Body. This is the vital part of the letter explaining further the subject to make the recipient better understand your reasons for requesting an excuse. It should be concise and to the point.
  • Salutations. These are also important in an excuse letter to show respect and politeness. One should be placed immediately below the institution’s address and the other one immediately after the body section.
  • Sender Information. This is added at the end of the letter below the final salutations. They comprise the name of the sender, contact information, and a signature for authentication.

Excuse Letter Due to Foot Injury (Format)


(First name Last name/Title)

(Institution Name)

(City Address, State Zip Code)

Dear Mrs. (Last name/Madam/Sir)

I wish to inform you that I will not be available from (date of absence). This is because (reason of foot injury) and injured my foot severely on the morning of (date) and was rushed to the hospital for treatment. Thereby, as per the doctor’s instructions, I will be recuperating at home for some time until the time I will be cleared by the doctor to resume normal activities.

I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience that I might have caused. However, in the meantime, you may contact me on the phone for any follow-ups. Attached are the notes from the doctor’s office to support my claim.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your Signature)

(Your Full Name)

(Contact Information)

Sample Letter for School

April 15, 2022

Mr. Harvey Nelson,

Deputy Principal,

Tampa School,

010 Octavia Street,

Hilton City, Nevada, 4321.

Dear Mr. Nelson

I would like to inform you that I will not be able to attend school, starting on April 15, 2022. This is because of an accident I was engaged in during the morning hours on April 15, which left my foot seriously injured. I had to be rushed to the hospital where post-treatment, I was given directives by the doctor to wear a specialised insoles for flat feet and stay at home until that time when I will have recovered enough to engage back to school activities.

I would like to apologize for any inconvenience to school and class programs that my situation might have disrupted. However, for any clarifications, you may contact me through email or phone. Also attached to the letter are doctor’s notes on my current condition.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,


Jane Doe

Sample Letter for Work

April 15, 2024

Mrs. Jane Doe,


Green Company,

007 Monrovia Street,

Alexandria City, Virginia, 9876.

Dear Mrs. Doe

This is to inform you of my inability to report to work beginning on April 15, 2024. This is due to the unfortunate accident that I was involved in on April 14 in the evening. After short hospitalization and discharge, the doctor recommended I boycott certain daily routine activities such as work for some time until I fully recovered.

It is my deepest regret for any inconvenience that might have occurred as a result of my situation. Nevertheless, I promise to work extra time. Attached at the end are some of the hospital reports detailing my accident and injury extents together with doctor’s notes.

Thank you.



Angus MacGyver

Tips for writing a perfect excuse letter


You should also ensure that you at least adhere to the following guidelines in your excuse letter to ensure that it accomplishes its purpose.

  • Be professional. An excuse letter is a type of formal letter and thus should be written in the format of a typical business letter to ensure that it looks professional and official.
  • Properly understand the institution’s/employer’s guidelines. These guidelines should be majorly on the issue of procedures involved in writing and submitting the excuse letter. For instance, you need to familiarize yourself with the preferred mode of communication; that is, the employer could prefer calls, messages, emails, or letters. Also, you should familiarize yourself with the timeframe for delivering the letters to ensure that you do not pass on the deadline.
  • Always be concise. This can be achieved by writing a letter solely focusing on the major message. This will ensure that your letter is brief and not lengthy. You should, therefore, avoid irrelevant information.
  • Timely delivery of the letter. This will assist in preventing major inconveniences. Thus, you should immediately write and send the letter as soon as you can as this will allow your institution to make proper arrangements such as job substitutions or school plan rescheduling.
  • Volunteer to assist. You also need to provide information regarding your proposals on how you will recover the lost time. Thus, you may offer to ask a fellow colleague to assist while you are away or promise to make extra time to accomplish some of the projects lagging behind because of you when you recover.

Is foot injury a good excuse to miss work?

This is dependent on several factors, such as the extent of the injury and the nature of your work. Therefore, if the injury is severe and extensive, then it is definitely a good excuse. Also, if your work does not require much standing or application of the foot, then on mild scenarios, it might not be a good excuse.

How many days are too many for foot injury excuse?

This is also dependent on the nature and extent of your injury. This is because some injuries might take a longer time to recover, while mild ones might take shorter periods. Also, people with pre-existing conditions might require more time to recover, while healthy people might need a shorter number of days to resume normalcy.

If your work doesn’t require you to be on your feet, should you still excuse yourself from work?

Yes, on some occasions. If the injury is severe, it might expose you to extreme chronic pain, which might result in anxiety and depression, among other mental issues despite sitting during work. Some of these mental issues’ traits might interfere with the concentration and ability of an individual to deliver and perform efficiently.

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