the Sounder just small company we sell products a generic automatic or electric shaver cleaner I’ve mostly been working with uh gmail which is also one of the reasons I chose Pro because it’s an easier transition but Gmail with an add-on is good on the desktop but trying to.

Untether myself s from the desktop and on oh tablet sucks so because there’s just no no way to track notes in priate history uh and even on the desktop you know it’s barely acceptable proprs is pretty straightforward it gave me an opportunity to fix up my C responses you know what was true two years ago isn’t.

Necessary to today and also eliminate so I worked from home and instead of having to go stairs to my computer to answer something or I responded a couple times from my tablet that was kind of nice so I didn’t have to WR myself one of the things about that’s important in e-commerce I guess in any bus is you want to make your customer.

Service quick so if I respond with an hour instead of eight that sometimes has an impact so you know so that timeliness is certainly helpful you want you know unfortunately there’s lots of mail that counts to my customer service that doesn’t belong there but the marketplaces don’t give me more than one address and so I set up a.

Bunch of filters to just ignore them that’s one of the reasons why I likeed Pro profs I have it uh set up with a form that uses email and then take everything off to the Shopify and you know on Shopify I don’t have a knowledge base at the moment but you know integrates nicely with uh proo support has been surprisingly good that.

Really uh actually shocked you know kudos to you guys on I try not to use phone support I’m not having been in a position where I need it but I do like the type that is there

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