Sample letter of withdrawal from college course

Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip Code
College ID Number if any


Name of College
Name of Registrar
Address of College
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Name of Registrar,

This letter is to let you know that due to a heavy workload this semester, I must withdraw from [Name of Course]. 

This stress prevents me from handling even the basics of this course. I have decided to discontinue this course immediately in favor of concentrating just on my major related courses.

The withdrawal forms needed for this course are enclosed. Since the semester started only two weeks ago, I am still eligible to get a full refund for the course, per school policy.

If you have any questions or need more information I can be reached at 555-123-4567 or at

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Your Signature
Your Full Name
List of Enclosures

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