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There’s a scene in the movie Wolf of Wall Street where Leonardo DiCaprio is talking about telephones and says,

Allen Berezovsky | Getty Images

See those little black boxes? They are called telephones. I’m gonna let you in on a little secret about these telephones. They’re not gonna dial themselves!

He goes on to say that they are worthless hunks of plastic without a highly trained cold-calling warrior turning them into the weapon they can be.

You might think cold calling sounds simple enough at first glance: Pick up that trusty ol’ telephone and dial those numbers until someone picks up on the other end. But, there are so many things one must do before they even start picking out their favorite number combinations on those little buttons.

For many people, overcoming that initial reluctance or anxiety about picking up their trusty old telephone is a major obstacle. But thankfully, some practical tips can help you start picking up the phone and calling prospects.

Pick up the phone first thing

Procrastinating on picking up the phone to make cold calls can lead one into a whirlpool of procrastination. Some people have an aversion to making these types of calls and will do anything in their power to avoid it, like checking email or reviewing notes from work. The more we stall with other tasks that are not central to our task at hand, the larger obstacle grows between us and completing this important goal.

The first thing you should do in the morning is pick up your phone. To ensure this becomes a habit, make it part of your routine by including picking up and making one call as soon as possible after arriving at the office. This will be easier if you have already lined up three or four people that need follow-ups from previous conversations.

Related: 3 Prospecting Lessons You Can Learn From the Devil

Believe in what you’re selling

Another reason people are squeamish about picking up the phone is because they lack confidence in the products or services they are supposed to pitch. If you doubt the company you work for, then perhaps you should think about quitting. If on the other hand, you simply don’t know enough to have a belief in what you are selling, then you should look at reviews and ask more questions. This will help you believe in your company or know if you should look for another one. When you really have faith and confidence in the services offered by your company, It will make you more passionate and should eliminate any hesitation when it comes to selling.

When you build your confidence in the company and its services, it’s easy to be passionate about what they have to offer. This will make picking up that phone a lot easier!

Related: 7 Cold Calling Secret Tips to Get Past Gatekeepers

You need motivation

The biggest reason most people have a tough time simply trying to pick up the phone and get started making cold calls is because they lack the proper motivation. When I was setting 15 appointments a day, my mantra would give me enough morning energy to start dialing that telephone with zest.

The best way for you to build enough motivation to go through your cold-call list is by developing your own personal affirmation when you wake up in the morning that will empower you to finally pick up the phone and start dialing.

Related: 4 Rules of Engagement That Wildly Increase Your Odds of Closing the Deal

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