Many would-be internet entrepreneurs who have gone through the difficulty of putting up a website or having one built for them, thinking that is all they would need to do, it would be a case of sitting back and watching the visitors pour in.

This is just not the way of the internet. For you to succeed online or at least have a chance of succeeding online you need to have visitors to your site and you need to have a plan to get them there.

There is an easy way and a hard way of how to increase website traffic; this article will deal with the easy way. To put it simply, the easiest way to gain more traffic to your site is to pay for it.

Unfortunately, this can prove to be on the expensive side of things, but the other side of the coin is that it has proven to be the best strategy for getting targeted visitors to your site.

The online world now offers so much flexibility these days that it is now possible to enter the exact profile of your target market and put an advert right where they will be online.

Here are some of the best free and paid ways that you can acquire website traffic from and increase sales and conversions for your business.

Creating Content in Audio Format:

Many people working on the internet, and many businesses completely forget about audio streaming as a form of website traffic generation.

This could be either that they are unaware of how easily it can be created or how much traffic could really be generated from such content.

Audio streams are basically the same information you are already writing that has not just been read aloud and recorded. That’s it. It does not have to be any harder than that to produce.

In fact, as long as the audio is clear, understandable, and easy to listen to, then you should be all right.

Who is the target audience for your audio?

Just about anyone is your target audience. Most audio streaming traffic primarily consists of users who just do not either have the time or inclination to read everything you write.

They get all of their news from live audio or video feeds and are often in a hurry or trying to maximize their downtime. While these are often younger demographics that are now growing up on the Internet, more and more people in other categories, such as the elderly are finding ways to tune in.

These could also be very busy professionals, stay-at-home soccer moms, or just about anyone really. People are busy living their hectic lives in the fast-paced world of today. People want audio files so they can listen when they run on the treadmill, driving in the car to a job they dislike, or while listening to their iPod doing house chores.

Article Marketing:

Article marketing has become a great way for increasing website traffic. Just the act of writing articles and submitting them to the online article directories will ensure long-term exposure to your websites.

Articles are probably the best way to get in front of your prospects. Writing articles allows you to share your valuable information with online users.

Follow these proven steps to increase your website traffic and improve online conversions:

Conduct your research – How do you expect to make article marketing work if you don’t know who you should be writing for? Find out what topics are profitable and look at the growing trends. Trends don’t lie. What topics are in demand, and which ones are not?

Figure this out before you even write an article. Once you have a topic to write about, what keywords are you going to target? You need to use the exact keywords that your prospects would use to find you.

Increasing website traffic will be easy if you know the words people are using to find information online. Use Semrush for conducting your online research and finding keywords for your business. Take a look at Semrush pricing and get a free trial without any hassle.

Now that you know whom you will be marketing to, you’ll need to create a good headline. The headline is what people will see on Google. So, make sure it is very compelling and easy on the eyes.

If you want to increase your website traffic, you will need to have a headline that speaks to people’s emotions. Target their emotional hot spots. Surely, your article marketing campaign will be effective if you do so.

Increasing website traffic with article marketing will not happen if your content is junk. People want good information on their topic. They want to be helped.

So how do you expect to increase traffic if they won’t even read your articles? Make sure that you include relevant information and tips for solving their problems.


Starting up a blog is an effective way to get targeted website traffic, but too many people talk about irrelevant things that a lot of people do not care about.

Here are three things you can focus on if you want to do blogging successfully to get targeted traffic.

The first thing your blog must focus on if you want to use this platform to get targeted website traffic would be solving problems. If your blog offers solutions to problems your audience faces, then you will soon have a loyal audience.

This loyal audience will also be more than happy to spread the word about you to other people. This is important because your blog may not receive natural traffic at first, word-of-mouth can make up for this.

The second thing your blog must focus on if you want to use this platform to get targeted traffic would be things that challenge the readers. You can also try posting content that is controversial. Controversial content will provoke serious discussions or heated debates.

If you decide to not create controversial content, make sure the title of the content in your blog posts does something to entice people to read.

The last thing your blog must focus on if you want to use this platform to get targeted traffic would be asking readers to contribute their thoughts and opinions.

When this happens people will listen, and this is a great way to encourage reader interaction. Some people will only visit certain blogs just to read the comments. Start your own website using Bluehost hosting which is one of the wordpress recommended hosting. Get exclusive discounts on Bluehost pricing and save your money.

These comments might hold people on a blog site for a long time and give you more of a chance to push them in the direction you want them to go.

Paid Advertising:

The greatest reason to consider paying for traffic is that you have the opportunity to match what you are selling to what the person is searching for.

One of the most often used methods is search engine pay-per-click advertising. These are the little adverts that appear to the right of your screen when your search term results are displayed.

PPC advertising involves creating an advert around a set of keywords that is likely to be used when searching for your product. Essential to this strategy succeeding is the ability to write compelling ad copy, give the person a reason to click on your advert, and be taken to your site, it’s that simple.

Paid advertising with Facebook is seeing tremendous growth at the moment and many businesses are experiencing fantastic results, this method well and truly answers the question of how to increase website traffic.

This method allows you to leverage the information that people are putting into the site when creating their profile. You as the business owner create the target market you are wanting to see your advert and that is exactly who will see it. Very powerful indeed.

You may also consider placing adverts in offline mediums such as newspapers and magazines that your target market will be looking at.

This can work well if you are using the right medium, but my preference would be to use the money on a paid online advertisement. That way they are already online and just have to click on the link to go to your site.

Mobile broadcasting has also proved to be extremely successful. Again this allows you to target certain demographics of people. A simple Google search of mobile broadcasting services should yield results of companies that will offer this service.

Write A Free Report:

Write a report or e-course and allow other websites that are in the same market, to put their affiliate link inside and give the report or e-course away for free.

By allowing them to put their affiliate link inside they will have a good incentive for giving it away to their website visitors. This will allow your report to go viral, getting you a lot more traffic.

Social Networking:

Social networking is really about branding yourself. So, offer real value by giving away teaser products or free PDF documents. Free giveaways are awesome for gaining the trust of your Facebook prospects.

Make sure that whatever you give to them is of high quality. The more you give to the people, the more website traffic you will get.

How to increase website traffic with social networking, demonstrated below:

Use very compelling post titles – The best way to increase your traffic with social networking is to post very short descriptions of what you want people to see.

Your post must be interesting enough to get the attention of Facebook or Twitter users. Include a link to your website, but don’t do this too often as you will get people who will most likely believe you are spamming them.

Take the time to really get a handle on these social sites and watch how much your website traffic increases.

Set up a fan page – If you want people to learn about you and your business, you need a Facebook fan page. It is crucial that you showcase your expertise here.

People need to know what you’re about, so make sure that you have a headline that tells the whole story. Your profile should be very professional. However, don’t be afraid to be humorous, as Facebook is great for that kind of marketing.


However, all these methods take time and time is not something many of us have in abundance and if you have a huge ad campaign ready to roll out in the hope of attracting new customers, you might not wish to sit back and be patient.

This is where a targeted website traffic service can help you. By paying a small fee, you are guaranteed a minimum number of unique and targeted visitors to your website.

Hopefully, a good percentage of these visitors will discover enough interesting content on your website to encourage them to return. Research shows that most visitors will visit a site several times before they click on ad links, so you might have to be a little patient.

Once you have a stream of quality website traffic your presence will be firmly established in your chosen niche.




I am Shubham Chopra, founder of Marketing Savior and an exuberant content creator with a great zest for providing insightful reviews about digital products that will help startups & SMEs penetrate into the online world easily.

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