Watch as touchless rollover to tunnel car wash retrofit sees revenue skyrocket 615% in Dacula, GA, owned by Peter Thacker

Peter Thacker’s business was being dragged down by a drab and ineffective in-bay automatic car wash. Like so many petroleum sites, Peter watched his in-bay revenue plummet from a high of $10,000 per month to sales of only $3,500. Realizing he needed to reinvent his business, Peter contacted SONNY’S to evaluate a tunnel conversion. Now, after only two months, Peter’s express-exterior tunnel with free vacuums is already posting records in excess of $25,000 in a single month. The new tunnel is washing more cars, at an average ticket that is 80% higher than the in-bay automatic, and gas sales are up 5% as a result of cross-promotion with the car wash. Watch this video to learn the steps it takes to retrofit an in-bay automatic to a conveyorized tunnel and evaluate the potential return of your investment.

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