A homeschool letter of intent is an official notice sent to the department of education in your state, to inform them that you will be homeschooling your child instead of sending them to an educational institution. It typically outlines the child’s name, date of birth, address, and the grade in which they would be entering if they attended school.

In most cases, writing this letter of intent is the first step in filing for homeschooling, and this article will help you achieve that. That said, you should always study the homeschooling guidelines in your state to find out what else you must do to complete the process.

What Is Homeschooling?

Homeschooling refers to the practice of providing a child with education outside of the traditional schooling system. This means teaching them at home rather than in a private, public, or boarding school. Generally, there are several reasons why a parent may decide to homeschool their child.

The most common include:

  • Philosophical views or religious beliefs
  • Displeasure with the traditional schooling system
  • Dissatisfaction with the available options in the school district

While every state has homeschooling guidelines, it is almost always necessary that the parent or guardian be a qualified and reliable teacher.

State Requirements on Homeschooling

Every state has its own guidelines about what a parent must do to provide their child with a proper and legal education. Most state websites will often include rules about whether they require a letter of intent and what forms a parent must use. If a state does not require an LOI, they will usually provide other requirements.

A letter of intent for homeschooling is sent to the superintendent of the school district where the child lives. You can find this address on the district website or through an office personnel.

What to Include in a Homeschooling LOI

A Homeschool Letter of Intent is typically written and submitted by the parent or guardian of the child who is to be homeschooled. This is regardless of whether you plan to use a tutor or other facilitator to do the teaching. Generally, your notice should include the following:

  • The number of children to be homeschooled, if they are more than one
  • Their full names, dates of birth, and age
  • The grades they would be entering if they were in a traditional school
  • Their address, and the homeschool address of it is different
  • A statement indicating your intent to homeschool the children
  • The homeschool details, such as effective dates, duration, subjects taught
  • The name of the tutor or homeschool teacher

Homeschool Letter of Intent Format


{Department Name}

{State Name}

{Recipient’s Address}

{State, City, Zip Code}

Re: Intent to Homeschool

Dear {Mr./Mrs./Ms. Last Name},

I am writing to notify you that I intend to enroll my {child/children}, in homeschool for the {period} school year. This will apply to the {name of child}, {child’s date of birth}, {child’s current grade}, who will be homeschooled by {facilitator/your name} at {homeschooling address}.

The homeschool curriculum will {describe the curriculum} and will commence on {effective start date}. The program will run for {duration} and end on {effective end date}. Some of the subjects that will be covered include {provide a list}.

If you have any questions, I am available at {contact information}.

Thank you for your time.


{Your Name}

{Your Signature}

Sample Homeschool Letter of Intent

7 April 2031

Mary Higgins, School District Superintendent

Department of Education

State of New York

811 First Avenue

Trenton, NJ 09090

Re: Intent to Homeschool

Dear Mrs. Higgins,

I am writing to notify you that I intend to enroll my children in homeschool for the 2031-2032 school year. This will apply to the following:

• Melissa Clark, age 14

• James Clark, age 10

Melissa and James will be homeschooled by me, their father, at 261 Rose Field, New York City, NY. The homeschool curriculum will follow the standard curriculum provided by the state department of education and will commence on 1 May 2031.

The program will run for 180 days. Some of the subjects that will be covered include science, geography, math, history, writing, grammar, and art.

If you have any questions, I am available at philipclark@email.com.

Thank you for your time.


Philip Clark

Homeschool Letter of Intent (Word Template)

Homeschool Letter of Intent

Every state will have different guidelines that indicate what must be included in your letter. Nonetheless, the typical Homeschool Letter of Intent should contain standard details about your child like name, date of birth, and grade. It should also affirm your intent to homeschool them legally.

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