A request letter for a promotion and a salary increment is a letter written by an employee and addressed to their manager, requesting a promotion to an open position and the accompanying salary increase.

A request letter for promotion should state your desire to obtain the position and delineate your qualifications as an applicant. Writing this letter at the right time can help you obtain the promotion you want. Companies frequently fill positions internally, and being prepared for a promotion can help you get the job.

Prepare as soon as you begin working for your target company. Look at other positions and develop suitable skills. After you have been at your position for a suitable amount of time, talk with your employer candidly about your skills and your desire to further your career within the company. Doing this will prepare you for the moment when a position you want is open. Employers value initiative and that an employee is invested in the company’s success.

Use your letter as an opportunity to show your employer that you are capable of accomplishing the tasks involved in the position. Highlight your skills and your abilities as well as your desire to have the position. Write your letter in a formal and use a professional tone. Demonstrate your capability and your dedication. Be certain to request an interview.

What to Include in Your Request Letter for a Promotion

This letter should demonstrate why you should have the position you desire. Here is what to include:

  • Your time spent at the company
  • Your positions within the company
  • Your experience relevant to the position
  • Your education, degrees, and certificates relevant to the position
  • Your skills relevant to the position
  • Your demonstrable success within the company
  • Why you think you are a great fit for the position
  • A show of appreciation to your superior for their assistance in your career
  • Your dedication to the company
  • An offer to assist in filling your current role
  • A request for further discussion about the position

Sample Request Letter for Promotion and Salary Increment

Jacob Wheeling

Assistant Manager, Repair Division

2820 East 93 Street

Henderson, NM 89235

(823) 778-0887


January 23,2022

Mr. Michael Jones

General Manager

Sure Shot Aircraft

9235 West 12 Street

Henderson, NM 89235

Dear Mr. Jones,

I am writing to formally request that I be considered for the open position of Manager in the Repair Division. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my request.

I believe I am prepared for this new challenge. I have had great success in my current role as Assistant Manager in the Repair Division, allowing me to step up to this role.

Over the past two years, I have developed excellent communication skills that allowed my manager to spend more time on production management and less time in internal communications. As a team, we have increased production by 20% over the last two years with no sacrifice to a quality repair.

During the department manager’s absence for surgery, I took on his position and successfully maintained production at a higher rate.

I fully understand the position will require more time and new skills. I have been developing the necessary skills over these past years in anticipation of this opportunity. My skills are far more advanced than when I took the assistant manager position a year ago. I write better and prepare better for meetings. I often sit in meetings in my manager’s place and communicate goals and requirements to relevant parties effectively.

This past year, I have taken several management courses and am now nearing completion of my Bachelor’s degree in Management at Joliet University.

I am willing to assist in training my replacement if I am promoted to this position. Several of my coworkers have the skills necessary to move to my current position, and I would be happy to train someone if I am chosen for this role.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I am truly invested in Sure Shot Aircraft’s success, and I would love to have the opportunity to discuss this position with you at your convenience.


Jacob Wheeling

Jacob Wheeling

Request Letter for Salary Increment (Word Template)

  • Apply for a promotion when you have prepared to do the position you desire
  • Highlight your success within the company
  • Use statistics to show your success
  • Express your dedication to the company
  • Ask for an interview
  • Thank your manager

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