Taking a walk and occasional running has amazing health benefits to your body, brain and soul. However, for most people, making that all-important move from the living room onto the tarmac road can be hard at times. After all, the sofa is always so cosy. But it is also getting on your way and your well-being.

What are Running Logs and Walking Charts?


There are several health benefits of walking and running to people of all ages and fitness levels. Therefore, it is vital to keep track of all the runs, diet plans, injuries and anything that is training related in a single journal that we can easily assess and refer to from time to time to check on our progress.

A running log is basically a journal used to keep track of your progress and activities, whether you are running to lose weight, stay fit or training for a marathon or different types of triathlon. When you are keeping your running log, the best ways to do so by either using a paper journal or by using a mobile application, simply put a running log is a record where one can keep tabs on their diet, runs, injuries, races and pretty much everything else that is training-related.

Here is a sample running log:

Date Distance Remarks
01/02/2021 5 Km Carry more water next time/ Increase the pace

Recording your walks is a great way to maintain your schedules, track your progress and set your goals. Just like running logs, a walking chart helps one keep track of their time and the distance they walk so that they be able to keep track of their improvements.

Sample Walking Log:

Week Warm-Up Running Cool-Down Aches and Pain Heart Rate Shoes
1 5 Minutes 5 Minutes 5 Minutes
2 5 Minutes 8 Minutes 4 Minutes
3 4 Minutes 10 Minutes 5 minutes
4 5 Minutes 12 Minutes 5 Minutes
5 5 Minutes 15 Minutes 5 Minutes
6 5 Minutes 20 Minutes 5 Minutes

Tips on How to Keep Running Logs


Keeping track of your walks and runs can be very easy once you have the right tools to do so. Simply jot down or take some notes after each run or walk to help you reflect on your achievements, objectives, and areas which you need to adjust to meet your targets.

Here are some amazing tips that you can use to help you keep track of your running logs:

  • Always record  your running activities as soon as you are done
  • Always have your running log at a place where you can easily access it.
  • Set aside some time to always practice. To do this effectively, you can set reminders or alarms on your phone to always remind you of any upcoming training.
  • Get the right gear for running. Having the right shoes, and clothes can help motivate you to go for that run.

Here are some pro tips to use when planning your runs:

The very first thing that you have to do is to set your goals. What are you looking to achieve? What distance are you looking to cover? How many times a day/week are you planning to run? A running log is a great way of keeping track of your running goals and always reviewing them to meet your goals. With your goals in mind, you can always push yourself to attain them.

The best and only way to keep track of your progress and not forget is by recording it in your running log. By using a running log to record everything you do, you can be able to review, update and change your running time, and distance as you see fit.

With a running log, you can record all the aches and pains you feel when running. You can use this information to help you pinpoint the cause of such pains, and aches and find the best way to prevent any further serious ramifications.

With a running log, you can be able to review your diet plans, work out approaches and more to help you attain your goal. By continually monitoring any minor or major changes in your diet and performance, you can be able to make the necessary changes to boost your performance.

There are a few things you need to keep in consideration while walking for fitness of any sort, so that you attain the results you desire.

Some of such considerations to be kept in mind include walking on pedestrian designated areas for safety during training, wearing reflective vests while training on dangerous paths where there are vehicles present during evenings and nights, choosing comfortable shoes that help you walk more efficiently and drinking enough water to stay hydrated. Lastly but most importantly; remember to cool down and take breaks. As much as you are looking to achieve a goal, don’t push yourself to extreme fatigue.

Why You Should Keep a Running Log or Walking Chart


There are several reasons why one should keep a running log or walking chart, including:

A running log or walking chart can help you monitor and review what works for you and make the necessary adjustments

A running or walking chart can help you keep track of all your training methods and progress

A running log can motivate you to keep on training as you would want always to set new records

A running log or walking chart ultimately helps you improve your health and fitness

Because we care, we don’t want you to waste your time worrying about the best-formatted running log or walking chart for your healthy exercise. Therefore, we are providing you with our free-of-cost and fully customizable running log and walking chart templates below!

Download now and save time.

How much does running logs and walking charts impact your progress?

Running logs and walking charts greatly impact anyone who is training regardless of their reason to do so. If you are running or walking, it is important that you keep a record of all the activities to help you gauge yourself and your progress.

How do you get started with running?

Running, just like any other sport, is easy and can be done by anyone. To get started, get the right gear for training, find the right spot to train and keep track of your training.

What pace should a recovery run be?

This normally depends on your condition. Do not push yourself too much. Just run at your own pace as long as you are making the right progress.

Whether you are running or walking to keep fit or for health-related reasons, the best way to keep track of your progress is by using either a running log or a walking chart. Based on the information you record while doing so, you can be able to determine what you need to improve on, what works for you and discard what doesn’t. The logs will help you attain any goals that you set. They are also a useful tool to help you keep track of how your body is adapting to the strenuous activities that you are doing.

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