Thank you in today’s business case study we’re going to learn about Uber yes Uber is a company which is an aggregator business model Uber is also a company which started way back approximately two years before then all hours started in India they say that Ola was actually established in India looking after the.

Success of uber in America that is U.S United States in our previous business case studies we have discussed about Ola how Ola solved a problem in India and revolutionized the taxi industry in India we have also discussed two Which business model and also how it has changed over the period of time with its timeline and its diversification of.

Business if you have not checked our videos on Ola cabs then please do so in our Channel description but here today we are talking about Uber Uber is a very big company when it compares to Ola though Ola which was established in India in 2010 December that is approximately two years later too when Uber was started in 2009 Ola has.

Presence in countries like Australia and UK apart from India which started its Footprints after four to five years of operations in India but whereas here here Uber has its presence in about 72 countries across the world with about more than 10 500 cities whereas Ola has it presence in 2500 cities including majorly in India and present in about.

Three countries to four countries by this way you can analyze how big is Uber so we’re gonna be discussing about what is the revenue model of uber what is its current operating income to what are its operations in today’s business case study before we move forward if you’re somebody who have come to our Channel you ensure that you subscribe to our.

Channel and hit the Bell icon and select all underbell icon so that you do not miss on any of these business case studies so let’s start with the history of uber in 2009 Garrett Camp a co-founder of stumble upon came up with an idea to create Uber to make it easier and cheaper to procure direct transportations camp and Travis kalanick.

Had spent eight hundred dollars hiring a private driver or New Year’s Eve with their deemed excessive and Camp was also inspired by his difficulty in finding a taxi on snowy night in Paris so this is how the taxi industry revolutionized across the world with Uber where the co-founders of uber came up with an idea after spending 800 dollars for about.

Only one night that was a New Year’s Eve now how much is eight hundred dollars if you convert that in Indian rupees it is close to 64 000 rupees yes it is close to 64 000 rupees this happened in Paris when the co-founders of uber find it very difficult to find the taxi driver and spend on eight hundred dollars for New.

Year’s Eve the Prototype of the mobile app was built by Cam and his friends Oscar Salazar and contradict has the mega advisor to the company in February 2010 Ryan Graves became the first Uber employee he was named chief executive officer that is CEO in May.

2010. in December 2010 kalnik succeeded Graves as CEO and Grace became the Chief Operating Officer so that was the story about how these co-founders built an app which was in the form of prototype model now what is prototype prototype is built before a business is started via using to start revenue from it in this case a prototype model was a app because.

Uber was also an aggregator business model here in this case aggregator is something which is connecting the business owners and the end users and in case of uber Uber is an aggregator app which is a mobile app so hence a prototype model becomes a app following a beta launch in May 2010 Uber services and mobile app launched publicly in San.

Francisco in 2011. originally the applications only allowed users to hail a black luxury car and the price was approximately 1.5 times that of a taxi in 2011 the company changed its name from Uber cab to Uber after complaints from San Francisco taxi cabs operators so as we know Uber is an aggregator business model now let’s look into how.

Big is Uber because it has its presence in 72 countries let’s know a little more in details about Uber Uber was founded in March 2009 that is 13 years ago now areas served approximately 72 countries and 10 500 plus cities know a little bit more about how big is Uber let’s know about what is its current revenue and its net income Uber’s Revenue has of.

2022 was 31.877 billion dollars so here the revenue of uber is 32 billion dollars if we convert this in Indian rupees it is more than 2 lakh 50 000 crores here you will be shocked to know what is its net income and operating income Uber’s operating income is.

Minus 1.8 billion dollars now this is a minus 1.8 billion dollars that piece that company is under losses now let’s look into what is its net income after all taxes and other deductions Uber’s net income is minus 9.141 billion dollars so approximately nine billion dollars that is minus nine billion dollars it it is net income so.

If it is under loss of minus 9 billion dollars in Indian rupees it is more than 72 000 crore rupees of losses though the company’s revenue is more than 2 lakh 50 000 crores much of total assets does Uber have asset includes everything its current operation its current assets to the bank balances to its offices and all other assets if they own any in the form.

Of cars or others so far total assets of uber is 32 billion dollars which includes everything whether it is their offices to whatever they own if it includes even the cars and other valuable properties that is equal to what they have per year Revenue but here the interesting fact is the company is in the losses of 72 000 crore rupees.

With the revenue being 2 lakh 40 000 crores Uber had also Diversified it business into delivery app similar to what ola had done by acquiring food Panda and others Uber had started ubereats which was later acquired by swiggy one of the market leader in food delivery app which is again an aggregator business we have already.

Discussed about swiggy and zomato business models if you have not watched that those videos then make sure that you do so in our Channel description next video we’re going to discussing about why this is Uber and Ola are under losses of billions of dollars after making revenues of lacks of crores of rupees.

Still they are not earning profits so if you’re somebody who want to enhance your skills in the real world experience then this is for you if you’re somebody who come from a technical background or if you’re somebody who’s looking to do an MBA then this is the statistics in India in India a normal MBA cost about four to five.

Lakhs rupees and the rate of placement is about five to eight percent in average MBA colleges the ecosystem of startup in India doesn’t require the qualified MBA from these average MBA colleges whereas hundreds of startups looks only for the skill based MBA people or the people who have knowledge about the business if you’re someone who.

Have technical knowledge and want to integrate with the leadership knowledge or if you’re somebody who’s looking to do an MBA join this free webinar where you’ll get two networks with hundreds of professionals all together and you’ll know exactly where do you got to do this the link is in the description if you have somebody who have still not.

Registered for a free practical MBA webinar then make sure that you do so and you’ll also know how to increase more than 50 of your current salary and how to grow with doing a practical MBA and where to do it the link is in the description I hope you like this video if you have liked this video do not forget to like And subscribe this.

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