Apple was once 90 days from going bankrupt Now it’s worth over $3 trillion How did they do it in the9s Apple was a sinking ship losing millions failing products and no clear direction The company was bleeding money and critics predicted it wouldn’t survive much longer But then everything changed Steve Jobs returned to Apple and made three.

Genius moves that saved the company Jobs cut 70% of Apple’s product lines Instead of making everything he focused on making just a few amazing products Starting with the iMac Apple didn’t just sell gadgets It sold a revolution The iPod was more than a music player It was freedom It was cool It was the future Once you buy one Apple product you’re.

Locked in Everything works together effortlessly making it hard to leave That’s the magic of Apple’s ecosystem This strategy turned Apple into the world’s most valuable company Today Apple earns over $1 billion per day With premium pricing high demand and unmatched brand loyalty Apple is a money-making machine Now tell me would.

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