Key Takeaways:

Information Answer
What should the resignation letter include? Clear mention of the move, last working day, and gratitude for the role.
Is it necessary to explain the move? Yes, providing a reason adds clarity and keeps the resignation respectful.
How to ensure smooth transition? Offer assistance during the transition and highlight unfinished tasks.
Should I use formal language? Yes, professionalism is key to maintaining positive relationships.
Do I need to give notice? Typically, two weeks’ notice is standard unless your contract states otherwise.

My Personal Experience Writing Resignation Letters

Having helped many friends and clients craft resignation letters due to various reasons, moving out of state is one of the most common situations. 

I’ve learned that these letters must convey a sense of professionalism while also being genuine. From my personal experience, offering to help during the transition often leaves a lasting positive impression, even when you’re moving across the country.

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Your resignation letter is more than just a formality—it’s your chance to leave your current job on the best possible terms. I’ve seen resignations where employees failed to clearly communicate their reasons or departure date, and it left the employer feeling blindsided. 

You don’t want that! A well-written letter can prevent misunderstandings and preserve your professional relationships.

Guide to Writing Your Resignation Letter Due to Moving

  1. Start with a clear and professional opening – Address your manager directly and get to the point in the first few sentences. State that you are resigning and give the reason: moving out of state. This keeps everything transparent.

  2. Offer a timeline for your departure – It’s important to state your last working day. Typically, giving at least two weeks’ notice is ideal, but if you need to leave sooner, be sure to clarify that and apologize for any inconvenience.

  3. Express gratitude – Thank your employer for the opportunities you had in the position. This is the perfect time to reflect on what you’ve learned and how the role has contributed to your career growth.

  4. Offer transition assistance – To leave on a positive note, offer to help during the transition. Whether it’s training your replacement or wrapping up current projects, your willingness to help will be appreciated.

  5. Maintain professionalism throughout – Even though this is a resignation due to a move, it’s important to keep your tone formal and respectful.

Real-Life Example

One client I assisted was relocating for their spouse’s job. They were anxious about how to inform their boss, but with a carefully crafted resignation letter, they were able to maintain a good relationship with their employer. 

They even received a glowing reference for their next role, thanks to their professionalism in handling the situation.

3 Unique Resignation Letter Templates

Template 1: Formal and Polite Resignation

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally announce my resignation from my position as [Your Position] at [Company Name], effective [Last Working Day]. Due to personal reasons, my family and I will be relocating to [City, State], and this transition requires me to leave my current role.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support and guidance you have offered me during my time here. I have truly enjoyed working with such a dedicated team and have learned invaluable skills that will assist me in my future career.

If there is anything I can do to ensure a smooth transition during my remaining time, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Thank you once again for the wonderful opportunity.

[Your Full Name]

Template 2: Short and Straightforward Resignation

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position at [Company Name] due to my upcoming relocation to [City, State]. My last working day will be [Last Working Day].

I appreciate all the opportunities I’ve had while working here and will do everything I can to assist in the transition during my remaining time.

Best regards,
[Your Full Name]

Template 3: Resignation with Offer to Train Replacement

Dear [Manager’s Name],

It is with mixed emotions that I submit my resignation from [Company Name], effective [Last Working Day], as my family and I are relocating to [City, State].

During my remaining time, I am happy to assist in training my replacement or help with any other transition duties. I want to ensure a smooth handover and leave the team in a strong position.

I am truly grateful for all the support I’ve received and the experiences I’ve had while working at [Company Name]. It has been an incredible opportunity, and I hope we can stay in touch.

[Your Full Name]

Additional Tips from My Experience

  • Give as much notice as possible: If you know about your move well in advance, try to give more than the standard two weeks. Employers appreciate the extra time to find a replacement.
  • Be sincere: Whether you’re leaving for personal reasons or career advancement, show genuine gratitude. Even in letters, sincerity shines through and helps maintain your professional reputation.
  • Follow up with a conversation: Sending the resignation letter is the first step. Following up with a face-to-face meeting or a call can make the resignation feel more personal and respectful.

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