Are you looking to enhance your online security? This is the change you need to make.

Passwords are problematic. If they’re easy to remember, they’re easy to guess. If they’re hard to crack, they’re hard to recall. Even the strongest passwords lose their effectiveness if exposed. That’s why I’ve moved away from using them to log into my accounts. Surprisingly, this shift hasn’t weakened my online security; instead, it has enhanced it and made logging in faster.

Switching to Passkeys

passkeys to secure device

Passkeys: A Simple and Secure Solution

Setting up passkeys for your accounts takes only a few minutes, is free, and can be done using your smartphone or PC. Using them is just as simple. When logging in, select the passkey option and approve the login request with your thumbprint, face scan, or PIN. It’s quick and secure.

The Advantages of Passkeys

Unbreakable Security

Passkeys address several weaknesses of traditional passwords:

  • Impossible to Guess: Passkeys use an encryption method involving two different keys for verification. The website gets the public key, while your device (smartphone, PC, security hardware key, or compatible password manager) keeps the private key secure. A public key can’t reveal the private key, so even if a website is hacked, your passkey remains safe.
  • Copy Protection: Passkeys are unique to the device that created them. Even if a private key is stolen from your device, it won’t work elsewhere. This applies to password managers supporting passkeys, provided they verify the passkey was used from their platform.
  • Phishing Protection: Passkeys are not just device-specific but also tied to the website they were created for. A spoofed site won’t pass the verification check, offering robust protection against phishing scams.

Widespread Adoption of Passkeys

Growing Support from Major and Minor Players

The support for passkeys is expanding rapidly. It’s not just tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon; other platforms, including shopping sites like and messaging apps like WhatsApp, are adopting passkeys. Notably, Google expanded its passkey program for its Advanced Protection Program participants on World Password Day 2024.

Transitioning to Passkeys

Keeping Your Passwords and Enhancing Security

You don’t have to abandon passwords entirely if you prefer using them. Most sites allow multiple sign-in methods. Follow best practices to strengthen your online security, especially by adding two-factor authentication (2FA) to your accounts. A combination of a password and 2FA can serve as a backup if you lose your device or security key with the passkeys.

Drawbacks of Exclusive Passkey Use

Ensuring Device Availability

The primary downside of using passkeys exclusively is the need to have multiple devices with them. If one device is lost, stolen, or unusable, having a backup device is crucial.

The Case for Immediate Adoption

passwordless keys advantages

Simplifying Security for the Less Security-Conscious

The less you care about online security, the quicker you should switch to passkeys. Many people treat passwords as a nuisance, often reusing them or creating weak ones. Bitwarden’s latest survey found that over 30% of U.S.-based respondents reuse passwords across 11 to 20+ sites or apps. This is risky behavior.

Benefits of Passkeys

No Memory or Management Required

With passkeys, there’s nothing to remember and no software to manage. Plus, passkeys are free. They offer a straightforward, secure, and efficient alternative to traditional passwords.