Aman Gupta’s BoAt Marketing Strategies | Business Case Study
We all have heard about the famous show Shark Tank India and the famous personality ‘Aman Gupta’, co-founder and CMO of BoAt. But very few people know about the secret marketing and business strategies of his company BoAt. In today’s video, I talked about the genius marketing strategies of the BoAt company.
Because of its genius marketing strategies, BoAt became the first consumer electronics B2C brand to cross 1500 crores in revenue.
Here are the 3 genius marketing/business strategies of BoAt:
1. BoAt sells a Lifestyle:
Bollywood, cricket, and music are very popular in India. BoAt collaborated with the biggest names in all three industries and made them the face of their brand.
2. Expanding Catalogue:
BoAt kept on expanding its product line from wireless headphones, wireless speakers, earphones, etc. BoAt became incredibly successful by expanding its product line.
3. Customer Focused:
BoAt has always focused on the demand of its customers. In India, people like to listen to music with great bass. All the BoAt products offer an extraordinary bass.
Topics discussed in this video:
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boat marketing strategy
boat marketing case study
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business case study
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aman gupta boat marketing strategy
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