Wisdom teeth are sometimes also called “third molars.” They are placed at the back of the lower or upper jaws. People between 17 and 25 may usually face wisdom teeth issues, as wisdom teeth come last in the set of adult teeth.

However, sometimes these teeth never cause any issues as they grow properly. But sometimes, it is difficult to handle them as they cause a lot of pain, so people need a complete treatment to perform a wisdom tooth extraction Auckland. The reason for getting surgery is to eliminate the risk of gum disease, cavities, and infections.

Do All People Have Wisdom Teeth?

No, everyone doesn’t have wisdom teeth. According to the study, around 53% of people are dealing with the issue of wisdom teeth. These kinds of individuals may have at least one wisdom tooth that may cause a big problem or may grow in a proper way. On the other hand rest of the folks may not have any wisdom teeth at all.

Symptoms of Coming in Wisdom Teeth

Many people may want to know how they can identify whether they have wisdom teeth or not. So there are some signs that show of occurring wisdom teeth, including:

  • Tenderness and jaw pain
  • White flecks spots behind the last molars. These white spots will occur at the new teeth’s top and explode through the gums.
  • Facial pain because of great pressure on nerves by the wisdom teeth
  • Swelling and redness in one’s gums

What Are The Complications Because Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Many individuals will face many serious issues due to wisdom teeth because they don’t erupt appropriately. In addition, these problems can include:

  • Cavities
  • Tumors
  • Bad breath
  • Stiff jaw
  • More pain in teeth
  • Infection
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Gum disease
  • Cysts
  • Damage to nearby area and teeth

Why Do People Have Wisdom Teeth?

Many health care professionals consider wisdom teeth vestigial, and according to them, one really doesn’t need these teeth. In addition, wisdom teeth are crucial for only to digest hard nuts, tough meats, and raw plants.

Besides this specific purpose, they only create a problem in one’s mouth. However, today, there is no need for wisdom teeth because of modern food eating and preparation methods. In addition, if you have wisdom teeth, it means they are completely impacted in your jawbone and gums.