As an IT professional fresh out of college, you will probably expect to find a dream job with a handsome salary sooner than later. After all, the demand in the industry is high due to the scarcity of skills. But it does not guarantee a lucrative opportunity at the outset of your career. Even if you land a dream job, you may end up missing out on the dollar figure only because you are not comfortable with the money talk. While there are no shortcuts to salary negotiation, you can make the most by learning the skill. All you need to do is understand factors such as the competition for the position and the time pressure for the recruiter. Let us share some valuable salary negotiation advice for new IT professionals.

Evaluate the whole deal

One place where first-timers often go wrong is the job offer assessment. Remember that you should not just negotiate a salary but the entire deal. Of course, the money factor is crucial, but much more goes into a dream job for an IT professional. Consider the whole deal with factors such as responsibilities, flexibility in work hours, location, travel, perks, support for continued education, and opportunities for growth and promotion. You may settle for a smaller money figure if everything else looks good.

Practice the conversation

Money conversation is perhaps the trickiest part of sealing a deal with a potential employer. Even experienced professionals find it daunting. So you can imagine the challenge as a fresher. But practice can put you at ease when you face a real-world situation sitting across the table to negotiate your salary. You can check online videos, practice in a mirror, or do a role-play with a friend as a part of the preparation.

Know your worth

Knowing your worth puts you in a strong position to secure a deal you deserve. IT professionals can make the most of their in-demand skills by researching the salary as a beginner in the said role. For example, you can ace data scientist salary negotiation by checking the numbers on websites such as Payscale and Glassdoor. Also, consider factors like your location, qualifications, and skills while finding the right figure. Go the extra mile by researching the salaries of the company. You will be in a better place with a number in your mind.

Understand the recruiter’s need

Another valuable tip for fresh IT professionals is to understand the recruiter’s needs. You can capitalize on their urgency to seal the deal if you possess a rare skill set.  Consider the competition in the IT job market, where talent is scarce because it definitely boosts your chances of getting a high-value deal. Making the deal work will be much easier if you check the market before getting to the salary negotiation table.

Let the recruiter speak first

You may be keen to quote a figure when you are enthusiastic about landing your first job. But speaking first is the worst mistake one can make during a money talk with the recruiter. Let them quote first because they may have a better figure than you expect. Moreover, knowing what they have in mind puts you in a vantage position when it comes to negotiating the final figure.

IT skills are in high demand, and new professionals can land a dream job right after college. But nailing a dream salary boils down to good negotiation skills. Following these skills can help you ramp them up as a fresher.