We all know that links are the currency of the internet. And we also know that you want those links to be coming from high authority sites. The best way to get high authority sites to link back to you is to make sure they have something worth linking to in their own content. In this post, we’ll outline some best practices for writing internal links on your site so that you can boost your SEO and get more traffic!

1. Publish More Content

The best way to get more internal links is by publishing more content on your website. This practice helps you increase the value of your web pages, which then results in higher rankings in search engines.

It also improves user experience, which boosts engagement rates and leads to more backlinks. You can publish valuable content by creating infographics or videos that are interesting and informative for readers, posting useful information on social media, sharing relevant content on forums related to your niche, etc.

2. Perfect Site Structure

The most important element in a perfect site structure is user experience. That includes both simple navigation and easy access to the information you want to find, as well as an intuitive flow from page to page.

To start, create a site map that shows all of your internal links. This allows you to have full control over what content is linked where and how it’s presented. You can also use breadcrumbs or sitemaps for this purpose.

3. Use Canonical URL

A canonical URL is a page or post on your website that has the same content as another page. The purpose of having more than one version of the same piece of content is to improve search engine rankings since it means you are sending users to the most relevant pages for their query.

In order for this tactic to work, you need to make sure your canonical URLs are set up correctly by using 301 redirects in your blogrolls and category pages, so that when someone clicks on certain links they land at the correct destination page rather than going somewhere else entirely (which would make them bounce back out).

You can check whether or not this has been done by verifying that a 301 response code appears next to each link in question when viewing the source code. If not, then make sure it does! If all these steps have been taken care of properly then congratulations—you’re now doing SEO strategy right!

4. Use Anchor Text

Anchor text is the clickable text that appears as a link. It’s what tells search engines what your page is about, so it’s important to use keyword-rich anchor text throughout your site.

Here are some best practices for using anchor text across your entire site:

  • Use keyword-rich anchor text in the header, subheader, body, and footer of each post on your blog.
  • When linking to external sites, use keyword-rich anchor text in blogroll links (links to other blogs you want to share with readers).
  • Create internal links between related pages using keyword-rich anchor texts (for example: “click here” or “read more”).

5. Table of Contents

A table of contents is a great tool for organizing your content and helping users navigate your site. It also helps search engines index your site, and it can help users find content on your site. Here are some tips:

  • Use a descriptive title for each section (for example, “Who We Are”). Be sure to use keywords that search engines will recognize as important terms relating to the topic of each section.
  • Use links at the bottom of every page so visitors can easily navigate between pages in a series (for example, by clicking on “Our Services” in the sidebar). If possible, make these links live buttons instead of text links so they’re more attractive and clickable from an SEO standpoint.
  • Keep track of where exactly you’ve placed internal links within your blog post or website—you may need this information later when it comes time to optimize those pages (and their internal links).

6. Related Post Section

The Related Post section is a good content marketing strategy to improve your site’s performance and user experience. The related post section helps to improve the usability of your website, as well. The ability to link readers directly to other relevant posts on your site is an invaluable tool for both user experience and SEO.

When you use this feature, it makes it easier for users who are new to learning about your products or services to get up-to-speed quickly, because they can find all the necessary information in one place instead of having to search through multiple pages or even different websites altogether. It’s also helpful for returning customers who want more information about related topics that might interest them after browsing through previous posts about similar topics.

7. Link High Authority Pages to New for Improved Rankings

Internal linking is an effective way to keep search engines happy and your rankings high. You can get even more mileage out of internal links by using them to improve the ranking of new pages on your site.

The easiest way to do this is by pairing a high authority page with a new one when you’re creating new content or adding more information about something you’ve already written about. This will give both pages a boost in SERPs, which gives all visitors access to better information about what they’re looking for—and it also keeps Google’s spiders happy!

8. Keep Posting Regularly

There are many things you can do to boost your SEO rankings. But one of the most effective is simply to keep posting new content on a regular basis. If you’re creating valuable content, it’s likely that people will want more and more of it. Not only does this benefit your users, but it also helps improve your ranking in search engines as well.

The reason for this is pretty simple – Google wants its users to have the best experience possible when using its services, so it rewards those who create great content by showing those pages higher up in search results than those without any useful or interesting information at all (which can actually lower their rankings).

That means if you want your site or blog posts to rank high on Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages), then having fresh content regularly posted onto these sites should be a top priority!


In summary, the most important thing for you to remember about internal links is that they can be useful for SEO. But the key word here is “can.” It’s not a guarantee that every time you create an internal link it will help with your rankings or traffic, but if used appropriately then it can definitely give your website a boost in both areas!