Your Name
Company’s Name
Company’s Address
City, State, Zip Code


Owner’s Name
Owner’s Address
City, State, Zip Code

RE: Proposal Letter for Trucking Services 

Dear [Owner’s Name],

I’ve learned that you’re seeking for trucking services to help you with the transportation of all your goods from the factory to the state’s wholesalers.

I am the owner of (name of business), which has served more than 20 businesses in the state for more than 7 years and offers similar solutions.

I thoroughly considered your demands before putting together the volumetric delivery and fixed pricing proposals you’ll see attached. You are welcome to compare our proposals with those of other businesses operating in the industry.

I’m eager to speak with you in person so that we may fully discuss this business opportunity. Please contact me at [555-123-4567] or [].


Your Name
List of Enclosures: copy of trucking services proposals

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