The Presentation Guild is always looking for new board members: energetic, involved presentation professionals who support the Guild’s mission and want to help it prosper and grow. It’s a working board and board membership is a hands-on job. Board members not only make policy for the Guild, they’re expected to help carry it out.
Joining the Board of the Presentation Guild can be one of the most rewarding experiences in anyone’s professional life. When you work for the betterment of an entire community, when you take up a cause that is selfless in nature, you feel it in your bones, in your heart, and in your soul.
The members of the Board of Directors of the Presentation Guild shape the present path and the future direction of the organization. As a member of the Board, you would help elect Board officers, form committees and appoint committee chairs. As a group of respected and respectful peers and kindred spirits, you would become an integral part of this labor of love that is advancing the interests of all presentation professionals.

Who may nominate a prospective board member?

Guild members in good standing may nominate themselves for the board; members may only nominate themselves, not others.

How can I nominate myself?
Logged in members can visit the nomination form. There you can enter:

  • Your name
  • Your qualifications for board membership
  • Your reason(s) for wanting to become a board member
  • Your “campaign message”. Guild members will be able to read this before voting for new board members.

You’ll also be asked to submit a photo of yourself, which will become part of your message to the Guild membership, and your contact information, which will NOT be made public.
You’ll be able to re-visit and re-submit your information until the nomination closing date.
Nominations will open on 1 June, 2019 and continue until 30 June, 2019, at which time the nominating form will become unavailable.

After I nominate myself, what happens next?

A nominating committee of Guild board members will evaluate your nomination. The committee will consider the information you provided on the nomination form, your record of interest in and/or service to the Guild, and your standing and reputation in the Guild community and in the greater community of presentationists.
The nominating committee will determine the criteria for accepting or rejecting your nomination. The same criteria will be applied to all nominees equally.
The nominating committee may recommend any number of nominations or none.
The names of the nominating committee will not be published; nominees may not contact nominating committee members in an attempt to influence their decisions.
Nominations recommended by the nominating committee will be reviewed by the Guild board as a whole; the board may accept any or all of the recommendations.
Nominees accepted by the board will become candidates and will appear on the election ballot form.
In recognition of their past contributions to the Guild, board members whose seats are up for election will automatically be accepted as candidates unless they indicate to the board that they don’t wish to run for re-election.

How will I “campaign”?

Once the slate of candidates has been selected, the Board will publish it here on the Guild web site. Links to the slate will be published in the newsletter, social media or any other venue the board deems appropriate. The slate will include links to each candidate’s campaign message and photo so that members can review candidates before voting.
Each candidate’s name on the election ballot will also be linked to their campaign message and photograph.
The Guild’s published list of candidates and its links to candidate profiles is the only acceptable form of campaigning for office. Candidates may not solicit votes by contacting Guild members directly or by campaigning on social media. Candidates who ignore this restriction may be disqualified, at the discretion of the Guild’s board of directors.

How will I vote?
The Guild’s by-laws concerning board elections state: “Ballots may be furnished in hard copy paper form or may be furnished in digital format as authorized by the Board of Directors.”
Accordingly, the Board has authorized voting in digital format in the form of a ballot page here on the Guild web site.

  • You may vote from 1 September 2019 until 30 September 2019, after which the ballot page will be unavailable.
  • You must log in to the Guild site in order to vote.
  • You may visit the ballot page once only.
  • You may cast one vote per vacant board seat. For example, if there are five vacant board seats, you will be able to cast five votes.
Who wins? When will the results be announced?
The candidates with the greatest number of votes will win the vacant board seats.

The Guild will announce the newly elected board members at its annual meeting on Monday, October 7, 2019 at Presentation Summit. Results will also be published on the Guild site, in the Guild newsletter and in social media as soon as possible after the annual meeting.

Important Dates

Milestones in the board election process:
Duration: 30 days
Dates: 1 June to 30 June
Nominating committee reviews nominees, chooses candidates:
Duration: 14 days
Dates: 1 July to 14 July
Board reviews nominations, chooses candidates
Date: 14 July or thereafter
Members vote for candidates
Duration: 30 days
Dates: 1 September to 30 September
Results announced at annual meeting
Date: 7 October

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