Writing that is simple to read is always quicker to understand. It causes people to think differently, which in turn motivates them to take action. However, keep in mind that developing clarity requires time and effort.

Writing that is both clear and convincing enables you to deliver genuine value to readers by transforming information into knowledge, which in turn assists readers in comprehending frequently difficult concepts and making judgments that are informed. Because of their high degree of competence, insight, and comprehension, they inspire trust and confidence. For such reasons we have devised a complete guide by Richardharringtonblog to improve clarity in your writing on verbs starting with O.

How to improve clarity in your writing – Step by step guide

  1. Cut down on the number of clingy sentences:

Starting with the most essential point, which incorporates two different kinds of words that may be found in sentences: working words and sticky words. The meaning of the sentence can be understood without the use of sticky words. They are not the ones carrying out the actions or the actors.

If you remove or rearrange your statement to get rid of these adhesive words, the sentence will still have the same meaning even after you make these changes. It could perhaps be easier for your audience to comprehend with this explanation.

  1. Avoid Using Excessive Words:

Get rid of any words, sentences, or sections that aren’t necessary. Maintain order and keep things flowing. This does not imply that adverbs and adjectives should be completely avoided. However, accuracy is more crucial than the number of words used in almost all cases. Consider the words that you are currently employing.

There should be precision in your sentences, that is more stunning than simply throwing words around in the hopes that something will stick. Simply, be specific.

This is also an important strategy for businesses to expand sales and attract more customers.

  1. Make use of upbeat language:

In written communication, there are different words that you simply need to avoid using or find an alternative. Just like the term “not” is used an awful lot of the time. However, with some work, we can transform those phrases that begin with “not” into something that is both more upbeat and fascinating.

For example, “not known” becomes “unknown,” and “not exciting” becomes “boring.” Even if it’s only a minor adjustment, it will subtly encourage your readers to keep reading.

  1. Use basic sentences:

Providing content that is easy to comprehend is an essential component of clarity. If individuals are unable to understand what it is that you are attempting to convey to them, then the content that you provide is of no use to them. In addition to this, paragraph breaks provide the reader with time and room to process the information that you have presented. This technique is very helpful for essay writing.

  1. Incorporate active voice:

This is the main problem of many writers that they use excessive number of passive words, which affect the readability of the reader along with the interest, that’s why it is advisable to use basic, straight sentences. Your sentences, which are the core building blocks of your writing, should be your starting point if you want to make your writing more understandable.

You may ensure that you’re writing properly expresses your thoughts by getting rid of adverbs, making passive verbs active, avoiding clichés, and cutting out unneeded words from your sentences.

  1. Get aware of who you’re speaking to:

It is a crucial component of writing that is done well. When you have a deeper understanding of your target demographic, you will be able to interact with them more effectively. Write in the same manner that you would speak to the person of that age in order to successfully communicate with them.


Writing that is easy to understand is potent and engaging. Your reader will have a much simpler time comprehending what you are attempting to convey to them if you employ these straightforward strategies in your writing. As an added bonus, you’ll also vastly improve your writing skills.

When explaining more complex subjects, it goes without saying that you will need to employ more complex language and concepts. For this reason, you should make sure that the issues and concepts you address are ones that are already well-known to the people in your audience.