Many people would be lost without their calendars. My memory has a 48-hour time limit, so my Google Calendar reminds me of what I’ve done and what’s in store for me throughout the week. 

But keeping up with a calendar is hard when there’s so much competing for your attention on any given day. We’re human. We’re bound to forget something. 

Zapier can help you automate your Google Calendar so you’re less likely to forget about that meeting you were supposed to show up to. With our automatic workflows—called Zaps—you can connect Google Calendar to your favorite apps to plan your day, cross-post between calendars, and more. 

You’ll need a Zapier account to use the workflows in this piece. If you don’t have an account yet, it’s free to get started.

Send schedule reminders 

Unless you’re staring at your Google Calendar all day, it’s easy to forget about an appointment, meeting, or other obligation when you’re in the zone. 

These Zaps will automatically remind you about upcoming calendar events in the places you’re likely to check. And if you often scramble to find your video call link, you can include that in your Zap as well when you set it up.

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the Use this Zap button, and we’ll guide you through customizing it. It only takes a few minutes. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Note: SMS by Zapier can only send messages to U.S. and U.K. phone numbers. Learn more here. 

Prefer to receive a schedule of the day’s events? You can set up a digest—available on our paid plans—so you’ll know what’s in store for you. 

Time block your to-do list

Some of my colleagues like to block time throughout their day to tackle tasks, especially ones with tight deadlines. If you’re a fan of time-blocking, you can connect your task management app to Google Calendar. With these workflows, Zapier will automatically block time on your calendar whenever you create a task with a deadline. 

Time track your day

Time tracking isn’t just for contractors or lawyers. It can be helpful to track time spent on certain tasks you do at work so you can scope project timelines or objectively determine whether you’re spending too much time on something. 

If you use a time-tracking app to log your hours, these Zaps will automatically create events in Google Calendar with new time entries. 

If you’re pretty good about blocking time in your calendar and sticking to it, you may prefer a workflow that will add calendar entries to a spreadsheet. 

Keep multiple calendars updated

As much as we try to separate our work and personal lives, our calendars have different opinions. If you keep forgetting to mark your doctor’s appointments in your work calendar—or you’re juggling multiple calendars at work—you can use a Zap to keep schedules updated. 

Send calendar invites to the right people

Sending calendar invites sounds simple but somehow ends up being a headache—especially if you need people to opt-in. You might forget to send an invitation out to someone or get a bunch of last-minute stragglers. 

Instead, you can set up a one-time Zap that connects a form app to your Google Calendar—just make sure your form collects email addresses. Once people submit a response, Zapier will automatically send event invites for you. Now you can focus on organizing the actual event rather than sending invites piecemeal. 

Does a form sound too formal for a simple work meeting? My colleague Stacie uses a Zap to send Google Calendar invites whenever someone uses a Slack reaction on a specific message. You can learn how to set that up here. 

Automate your calendar with Zapier

Whether you’re just trying to show up to events on time or organizing them, automation can help you manage your calendar so you can focus on being in the moment.

If you need extra help managing your Google Calendar—especially if you’re a business owner—check out these tips: 

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