Technology has created numerous positive impacts on our business, from marketing to service and products delivery. Most businesses are taking online trends to ensure they become better. With technology, the world was come down to a global village where you can access anything at any time from your comfort zone. It has helped various people establish businesses have a wider view of their success since they aim for local and global markets. With technology, most people spend most of their time on the internet or social media platforms. Besides enabling you to reach a wider market, other important factors such as automation reduce errors and minimize expenditures.

Meaning of digital transformation

Digital transformation is modifying existing business culture, processes, ad customer experience to meet marketing standards or requirements. It applies to production technology, workers collaboration, supply chain, and marketing. Most businesses that have applied digital transformation are the most successful. In addition, they have room for improvement to keep offering a better and unique customer experience. While applying the digital transformation, ensure you consider customers and find it effective. You should aware of why is my business not showing up on google.

Helping in marketing

You can imagine how many posters you need to reach a wider market just within your zone. Also, will not be certain that everyone will read it. On the contrary, you can reach more than your expectation with social media within seconds. According to statistics, with over 60 million users of TikTok, we have about 65 000 people visiting TikTok every second. Therefore, marketing your business on such social media platforms uniquely will help you have a larger market. Before posting about your business, ensure you develop interesting ways that will entice people to watch or listen more about your ideas. Since social media brings global interaction, you will have a larger dream by getting clicks and positive comments on your advert. This will inspire you to improve your market. Today, a parson weaving baskets carefully and creatively in a small village in Africa or Asia can sell them in Europe or China. With digital communication, small businesses that were suppressed to the local market have prospered.

Improves collaboration

It can be boring or tiresome to have to keep walking from one point to the other, informing your fellow workers that you have done your part and they have to play their part. Digital transformation strategy has enhanced business, and people can coordinate swiftly from their working station. While developing your business, it’s important to link internal departments using internet software. This can be achieved by using developers, designers, SQAS, marketers, and products managers to help you develop robust systems that allow collaboration from one stage to another. Ensuring a corporation will help you promote performance and transparency at every level. Besides, it will help you take personal responsibility and hold employees accountable for their responsibility. Some of the common collaboration tools you can use include Asana, ProofHub, Slack, GoToMeeting, and WebEx.

Use of automation

Unlike before, automation has made work easier and reduced the number of employees in small businesses. Inventory management will help you record specific information from attendance, automatic marketing emails, and updating customer data. Most successful businesses apply automation and record keeping. As a result, you will be able to manage your business effectively. It will also help you assess employees and business performance with ease. Identifying mistakes can be at using bookkeeping can be difficult compared to automation. Automation will also help you connect with your customers freely and easily. One of the current technologies used is supply chain visibility. It is an automatic system that allows the supplier and customers to track the location of their products. As a result, the delay cases have been minimized. A tracking number is shared with customers by the supplier. Besides, some common automation systems include ActiveCampaign, Leadformly, Google Ads, WordStream, and Calendly.

Fulfilling Customer Expectation

Any business has to focus on fulfilling customer expectations for it to prosper. Various companies perform excellently in the market because they keep track of their customer’s expectations and ensure they fulfill them. Some of the companies include Samsung, Google, and Amazon. Giving your customer a newer or better experience will help you maintain them since they believe you always have something better to offer. However, before improving on the quality of services or products, it’s important to ensure you conduct the market assessment. Understand what are the weaknesses and strengths before making in-house adjustments. Most importantly, don’t just stop offering unmatched customer experience; ensure you are reliable and give them total attention.

Since most customers prefer digital customer service, which is faster and more promising, apply digital transformation strategies. Incorporate automation, mobile apps, and machine learning to meet customers’ expectations. Using cloud technology will improve your speed, help you become dynamic and address more demands. While doing so, ensure you have reliable systems that will keep a record of every business transacted for future reference. Consider using augmented reality, AI, and learning machines to improve customer experience.


Handling a small business can be quite challenging, especially if it has been established recently since it’s prone to challenges. However, you can utilize available digital materials such as AI and Amazon for a promising future for your business. Digitalization has become the success of nearly everything right from education, businesses, and the communication industry. As a small business with a target, a digital transformation strategy can help you reach a wider market, monitor your supply and progress, evaluate customer experience, and give new experiences each time.