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Think about your favorite brands. What do they all have in common? Well, a great product for one. But they also probably all feature great design and marketing. Giants like Apple, Spotify, and Instagram owe a lot to the power of design, not just in their marketing, but in the usability and attractiveness of the products they put out.

Design goes a long way for entrepreneurs trying to get a product off the ground, but it’s not the easiest thing to master. Paying a designer gets expensive quickly. Instead, why not Learn Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, XD, Lightroom, & Illustrator yourself?
This 36-hour course is all you’ll need to become an Adobe Creative Cloud master. The course is taught by Mundit Bansal (4/5 rating), founder of DesignersLab. Here, he’ll help you demystify programs you’ve likely heard about, but never practically tried. This can be hugely helpful in the intimidating, yet accessible world of Adobe programs.
Starting out, you’ll learn the fundamentals of design and discover how to design in the most effective means necessary, regardless of the medium you’re working with. Bansal will introduce you to some of the world’s most popular design programs, including Photoshop, Illustrator, XD, After Effects, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, and more. You’ll follow along as Bansal demonstrates practical, real-world projects in each program, teaching you how it’s done all along the way. From logo design, web design, social media, user interface design, advertising, printing, and much more, you’ll discover how to design for virtually any niche or project. Before you know it, you’ll be a design stalwart and have the capabilities to design and market your products more effectively.
Become your own master designer. Right now, for a limited time, you can Learn Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, XD, Lightroom, & Illustrator for 90 percent off $200 at just $19.99.
Prices are subject to change.