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Highest Paying Jobs – How Much Money I Make Doing Software Sales At Tech Startup
I am showing this because I know people are curious about how much other people make because everyone likes to compare. Secondly, I am showing how much I made because I think the topic of money should be more widely discussed. I think if you do not feel comfortable talking about money (i.e. how much you make), you most likely are embarrassed or lack self-esteem because you don’t think you are making enough. People tend to compare themselves to these hypothetical comparison benchmarks (jimmy got this job out of college which is great, I got this average job, therefore I should feed less than jimmy). This ideology is incorrect because you must derive your sense of worth internally. I am also sharing this because I want to increase my credibility with you guys watching, there are many people out there trying to talk about money or give advice that isn’t actually making any money. I am comfortable showing how much I made because I don’t think it is that much, you will not get super wealthy working for someone else.
Questions answered in Highest Paying Jobs – How Much Money I Make Doing Software Sales At Tech Startup
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The idea of this channel is the ultimate freedom, one of the pillars is financial freedom. Do you want to work for someone else for the rest of your life? Do you enjoy trading your time for money? This is hopefully even if you are a doctor or lawyer. I aspire to own something that helps me generate money while I sleep. DO NOT TRADE TIME FOR MONEY. I want to be mindful of the unique situations people face. I recognize that it is important to work for someone else to get experience and begin accumulating money so you can afford to take bigger risks. The big thing here is to understand the difference between a job and a career. A job is something you exchange time for money (limited upside), a career is something you can be compensated for based on performance (sales, high-end finance, consulting, engineering) – you need an occupation that pays based on performance. Once you learn a unique skill set you should look to become an owner. That is the highest calling, starting a business. Imagine being in a position to hire other people, give them the chance to earn a living? Ultimately are you building your own dream or working to further someone else’s?
Questions answered in this video titled How Highest Paying Jobs – How Much Money I Make Doing Software Sales At Tech Startup
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#FinancialTransparency #HigestPayingJobs #SoftwareSalesMoneyPerYear