The path to a job promotion is often a complex one with many detours and roadblocks. However, for those people with ambition, a desire to take on more challenges and make more money pursuing a promotion is a combination of hard work, delivering results for the company, and being in the right place at the right time.
Many people wonder how their colleagues received a promotion when they did not. They feel they have the same experience and skillsets. Why not them? Some people are just in the right place at the right time. They have completed a project and impressed the boss. Or perhaps they were more aggressive and pursued the promotion.
Writing a job promotion letter of intent is one method of reminding your boss and his or her superiors of your accomplishments, training, and desire. Many companies also request employees to express their interest in a job that involves a promotion. It is an important letter that can have a big impact on your career.
What is a Job Promotion?
A job promotion involves moving to another position that involves more responsibility, perhaps more staff reporting to you, possibly a salary increase, and new challenges. It may also involve moving to a position that allows for additional creative freedoms and independence in terms of decision-making. A job promotion should also support your career path filling in gaps in your experience and knowledge to prepare you for future positions within the company or even at other firms.
What is a Job Promotion Letter of Intent?
The job promotion letter of intent is a formal document expressing your desire to fill an internal job vacancy available within the company. The letter can be initiated by the candidate at the request of the company based on their standard human resources processes. It can also be initiated in companies with no formal process.
The letter of intent should summarize your qualification, major accomplishments, and career goals. Emphasize those that are a good fit for the new position and the department the position resides in. you will want to demonstrate how you will be successful in the new position and the contributions you will make to the department. In many cases, the candidate’s resume is also attached; however, it is the letter that is reviewed initially and gets you in the door for an interview.
How to Ask for a Promotion
Once you have decided that you are going to pursue a promotion to a particular position, you want to assemble the information needed to help you prepare the letter. Focus on the key elements that highlight your abilities. These should be in synergy with the new role. You will need the following information to include in the letter:
- State your intention in the initial paragraph
- List your qualifications
- Review your achievements
- Describe why you want the position
- How will the company benefit by choosing you
- Always close on a positive note
How to write
State your intention in the initial paragraph – human resource managers and hiring managers are busy and often have many applications to consider. You want to be clear and concise and get to the point. Include your current role, the department you are in, and the official name of the position you are after.
List your qualifications – list the qualifications that are pertinent to the role you are applying for. Include education, training courses taken, work history, and applicable credentials. This helps managers know if your overall experience will be a positive addition to the department and the job.
Review your achievements – focus on the major achievements and wherever possible, include metrics that quantify those achievements. For example, 25% productivity improvement or administered a capital budget program of $5 million.
Describe why you want the position – briefly outline your career goals and how this job helps achieve these goals. Your goals should be loosely linked with those of the department or the company. Avoid mentioning salary increases since this does not benefit the company in any way.
How will the company benefit by choosing you – focus on how the company would benefit if they were to choose you for the job. Take the time to understand the department or company’s goals and link them to your strengths. This area could separate you from other candidates that are also applying for the position.
Always close on a positive note – thank the managers who are reviewing your letter and considering your application. You can add a gentle reminder that you are looking forward to a response.
Sample Job Promotion Letter of Intent
[Your Name]
[Title, Company or Institution]
[Full address and]
[Phone number]
[Hiring or Human resources manager]
[Full address, and]
[Phone number]
Dear [Name]
My name is [Your name] and I am applying for the position, [Name of Position] in the [Name of department]. Over the past [X] years, I have {Include achievements with metrics]. These projects have increased my knowledge of the industry significantly and made significant contributions to the company. I am ready to assume a new role as [name of position] which is a step up from my current role as [Name of role].
I am prepared and ready to take on new challenges, responsibilities, and projects to support the department and continue to strengthen my skillset and achieve my career goals. I am capable of taking on a larger workload and providing the leadership this position requires.
I am prepared to work diligently to deliver the goals and milestones [Be specific if possible] of the position professionally and efficiently. My leadership skills will ensure that everyone has clear direction, they are supported in their jobs and they have a supportive work environment.
Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to your response.
[Printed Name]
Job Promotion Letter of Intent (Word Template)

The job promotion letter of intent is a professional letter written by a candidate for a position expressing their interest in a position with more accountability and responsibility. Many companies require employees to prepare a letter of intent, while others do not have a formal process.
The intention of the letter is to express your interest in the position and communicate how you will make a significant contribution to the position, the department, and the company.
Keep it to one page. Hiring managers and human resources managers may receive many applications. You want your letter to be read, so make it stand out in terms of highlighting the skills and achievements that you will bring to the new position.
Double-check your spelling and grammar before sending the letter of intent. If there are many applications, human resources managers may use errors like these to weed out candidates.
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