To get and keep a customer’s interest, you need to be upfront about your products’ prices. People may not admit it, but the price is one of the biggest influences in their purchase decision process.

To understand what a price list is, just continue to read our article. It has the information you want to know about to make your price list memorable.

What Is a Price List?

A price list is a list of products and their cost to your customers. These lists do not have to have all your products listed on them and can only be used to generate interest in your company, etc.,

You can target certain segments of society as well as use different languages to make sure everyone understands the cost of your products and what they can do. Price lists are very flexible and can be designed to meet the needs of special promotions or discounts.

What is a Price List Template?

Essentially, this is a guide to help you place all the necessary and pertinent information together in one place. There are different styles of templates, and you will need to choose the one that reflects the nature and attitude of your company.

These templates help you design the look of your price list and make sure you place the detailed information in an attractive manner to catch the attention of and hold the reader.

These templates should come with all the tools you need to create an attractive-looking price list that is very easy to read.

Price List Templates and Examples

Importance of a Price List

The price list is an essential sales tool. Without it, customers would not know how much your products cost and if they can afford them or not. This list is a key communication tool between you, your current customers, and potential customers.

Then it is a good internal tool to help catalog products, their prices and inform employees of the actual customer cost, so there are no misquotes. It keeps everyone inside and outside of the company informed of the cost of the products as well as letting them know key details about the products and their use.

When you do not have a catalog, it helps advertise what you are selling.

Types of Price List

There are two basic types of price lists. While there are many designs and formats you can use; basically, you can only do a digital or hard copy of one. The digital is easier and cheaper to produce, as well as distribute. They take up no extra space in your office or warehouse.

However, the hard copy or paper version is more user-friendly and many people prefer to hold something in their hand when analyzing the costs of products. They say that handing a hard copy to a customer establishes a relationship between them and the company.

That relationship will help sales in both the present and the future.

Digital or Paper?

In today’s technological world, the digital format may seem like the better option. More and more people around the world are getting connected to the internet. The digital copy makes it easier to reach new online potential customers.

But there is something to be said about holding a price list in one’s hand and leafing through the pages to see what is available. Plus, the paper version is always accessible even when a computer crashes, whereas the digital version may not enjoy 24 7 access.

It is best to use the version that fits in with the audience you are trying to target.

Essential Elements of a Price List

Price lists are not normally one page long. They are if you do not have a lot of product to sell but generally major companies have hundreds of items and that makes those price lists in need of the following essential elements:

  • Front and back cover
  • Index
  • Introduction
  • Chapter breaks
  • Table of contents
  • Information on the company and purchasing instructions

Then you need key details populating those essential details and those are:

  • The name of the product
  • SKU code
  • Product description
  • Any images you want to use
  • Additional decorative customization

How to Create a Price List

There are four basic steps in creating the price list.

  • Getting product descriptions- this is the first step in the process as you need to describe the product in the best way possible using factual information
  • Take photos- if you need images to help sell your product, this is the next step in the process. Make sure to have a professional handle this task so the photos are clear and show the product in the best light possible
  • Design the layout- this is essential as how the contents look will help the potential customer buy your products or the look may turn them off. Like the photographs of your product, this has to be done with great care and common sense thinking.
  • Publish- once you have the previous 3 steps completed, now is the time to publish and distribute the price list. Make sure to use all the graphic tools at your disposal and double-check spelling and grammar.

Catalog VS. price list

The basic difference between these tools is that the latter is strictly a sales tool. it is not used for promotion or brand name priority. The catalog, on the other hand, is for promotional and sales purposes and it does have brand name importance to it.

Advertising the brand helps generate interest in the catalog and products. The price list merely tells everyone what the product costs.

Price lists are very handy in that they are very effective communicators. There are no doubts about the cost of an item when you look at the price list. Plus, they are easy to create by using the right computer tools.

The key is to make sure all words are spelled correctly and used in the right context so everyone will understand what you are saying.

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