A micro conversion is each of the minor goals users fulfill on your website leading to your main conversion goal. These minor steps and micro conversions are often overlooked and thus cause failure in reaching the macro conversion.

Tracking website visitors is key to understanding where each customer is in their journey to the main conversion goal. Similarly important is the time users spend on websites and pages, which we calculate by bounce rate and exit rate. These data are essential to keep a website productive and make sustainable revenue.

So, to analyze a website’s performance it is necessary to define micro conversions and differentiate them from macro conversions.

Difference between Macro and Micro Conversion

First and foremost, it is vital to know how micro conversions are different from macro conversions. For example, a successful transaction on an eCommerce platform or a completed lead generating form is macro conversion. A micro conversion, though, is a minor engagement, such as signing up for a newsletter or watching a product video. Micro conversions usually happen before macro conversions.

Things to know about macro conversions:

  • Macro conversions are usually related to revenue making.
  • They are lead-based conversions.
  • Macro conversions are related to inquiries on a website.

Interestingly, these macro conversions have one factor in common which is their potential to turn into revenue in a short time. Though, micro conversions are:

  • Navigation-based conversions.
  • Related to minor interactions of users with website.
  • Engagement-related rather than revenue-oriented conversions.

Such conversions don’t directly lead to the revenue-making of an online business. Instead, they are small steps of engagement and interaction that make a macro conversion happen. Some examples of a micro-conversion include:

  • Pageviews
  • Category views
  • Newsletter subscriptions
  • Blog post comments
  • Social media shares
  • Clicks on add to cart button
  • Clicks on add to wishlist
  • Likes and upvotes
  • Watching a video

Macro and micro conversions are crucial for analyzing and enhancing your site and marketing strategy. Therefore it is critical to understand and carefully choose them. Create a CRO strategy by keeping an eye on these micro-conversions that lead to macro conversions and sales. Micro conversion tracking enables you to focus on more specific areas and optimize your conversion rate.

Micro Conversion Tracking for B2B Websites

Tracking micro conversion is especially necessary for B2B websites. Because in such websites people merely head to the site and click on the purchase button. So, you have to keep track of each minor step they take towards your ultimate goal.

Also, selling may not be the only reason that B2B websites exist. Many B2B websites want to make trust-based relations within their industry. Hence, they to check other metrics than just sales. Email list sign-ups and comments on their content, which are micro-conversions, may be very important for such businesses.

Micro Conversion for Low Traffic Websites

Micro-conversions are essential for all sites, regardless of visitor quantity. But analyzing micro-conversions is an extremely effective CRO strategy for low-traffic or low-converting websites. Here’s why micro conversions are so beneficial for low-traffic websites.

These types of websites don’t get many conversions each day. Thus, you don’t have access to the massive data required for CRO based on macro conversions.

However, if you track minor steps, i.e. micro-conversions, you can work on them and improve the general results.


Macro and micro conversions are excellent ways for gaining a multidimensional picture of your website. They help you gain insights that will assist you to boost your business revenue in the future.

Although often neglected, micro-conversion has a key role in any website’s success. Defining and keeping track of the right micro conversions are essential for a winning digital marketing strategy. They are essentially important for B2B, as well as low-traffic and low-converting sites.


Author Bio

Shirin Esfandi is an enthusiastic writer on business and entrepreneurship, with a special interest in online sales and digital marketing. She is the author of Watch Them Live, writing about marketing strategies and tools. You can follow Shirin on her Linkedin page.