Whether you’re just planning for your first ever trade show, or are an old hand, you can always benefit from a few tips from the exhibit professionals; so in this guide we’ve put together 7 considerations that you should be thinking about before the big day.

7. Plan way ahead and be prepared
Whilst the majority of businesses leave their exhibit planning until the last minute, those that get the most out of a trade show are ready practically months in advance. You must leave a good few weeks spare in order to ensure that the finer details are all planned out; factors such as your staging (designing it or ensuring that your props are in an acceptable condition) and ensuring that your presentation materials are working their hardest for you, are essential.
6. How long will it take to put together?
Those that are new to exhibitions should take heed: installing a trade show exhibit takes far longer than you could ever imagine. Ideally you should have a test run so that you know exactly how long your exhibit installation takes.
5. Learn the schedule off by heart
Knowing the schedule inside out is vital if you’re to get the most out of the trade show; you can then plan around major events during the day. You should also get to know the more logistical of factors, such as what times they are laying the carpet, providing electrical outputs and installing other vital features around your exhibit.
4. Should you ship your exhibit ahead of time?
Shipping your tradeshow exhibit design ahead of time has a number of benefits; not only does it mean that both you and your staff arrive stress free on the day, it also means that there’s no chance of parts of your exhibit getting damaged in transit.
3. Plan for emergencies
Planning for slight mishaps or all out disasters is more important than you may think; problems with exhibits are far from rare and so having a survival kit is advisable.
Include items such as a cleaning kit (for any spills), spare parts (such as material and light bulbs) and spare practical items (such as cable ties and tape).
2. Choose the exhibit package that will be most beneficial to you
Choosing the right exhibit package isn’t all about driving your costs down; the more expensive plots are more expensive for a reason, and so weighing up the pros and cons of cost versus plot placement is essential.
You will additionally find that the trade show offers varying packages, from those that leave you to set up, to those that do practically everything for you; again, you must weigh the pros of a stress free day, with the extra cost of the trade show storing and then putting together your display.
1. Professional exhibit installation will pay dividends
Whilst you may be considering putting together your own displays a professional exhibit company will undoubtedly ensure that your displays work as hard as it can for you in getting people’s attention. Trade shows within any industry can cost a significant amount, so once you’ve paid for your plot you shouldn’t waste the opportunity with anything less than the best exhibit.