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A jingle is a song or melody of short duration (5 to 60 seconds) and easy to remember, which seeks to promote a product or service, usually by alluding to its attributes or some emotional link with the consumer.

Many advertisements, especially those made on radio and television, have this element that helps create unique campaigns that remain engraved in the mind of the listener, improving the positioning of the brand in the market. This strategy is known as auditory branding .

The effectiveness of jingles lies in the fact that, being musical compositions, they are more persuasive than a simple text and generate less rejection in the audience that receives it. Although today this technique is used less and less, there are songs that, despite the fact that some are no longer transmitted, people remember and continue singing. For this reason, we made a list with the best jingles that today are part of the memory of Mexicans:


This brand of tablets to eliminate amoebae and bugs, became famous thanks to its jingle, which surely we all sing at some time. A true achievement of advertising to remember a product as generic and as difficult to position as those in the pharmaceutical sector.

“If you feel that your tail itches, in one of those, you have worms. If you feel that your tail itches, take Vermox ”.


This all-purpose cleaner has become one of the darlings of the home, in part because no one forgets its tune. In fact, this famous jingle served the brand to do another form of promotion: the “Sing and win with Pinol” contest where people, from the original version, created their own song and uploaded it to YouTube.

“Pinol, Pinol, aromatize, clean and disinfect, uhhh!”


Without a doubt, the short melody of this sweet spread is one of the jingles that we will never forget, especially because it creates an emotional bond with the brand:


This anti-flu drug, despite having been on the market for more than 40 years, managed to differentiate itself from the others with a simple melody that they include in all their advertising spots and that also works as their slogan.

“With XL-3 goodbye to the flu in a 2 x 3.”

From the fort

This brand, which is currently part of Grupo Herdez, began as a leader in tomato products. Hence the famous jingle that has endured for years.

“The little tomatoes were very happy, when the executioner arrived to make them juice. I do not care about death if I die with decorum in Del Fuerte products “ .

My Joy Toys

This toy company, created in 1956, has found itself in the mind of the consumer and has been part of the memory of the Mexican thanks to its jingle. Although it had an extended version, this was the most popular:

“With Mi Alegría toys, we learn and play”.


This multipurpose cleaner is a good example of hearing branding. Not only has he relied on his jingle, but also on his slogan to place himself at the top of mind. If you think of the cleaner, you probably don’t remember its packaging, but you do remember the song:

Alka seltzer

The advertising of this antacid has always been so effective that the brand is the ultimate benchmark for stomach relief. His jingle used in the 90s was the adaptation of a famous opera, whose song ends with the phrase:

“Alka Seltzer you must take, for an upset stomach, he loves you good, he loves you good, take Alka Seltzer because he does love you.”


The largest bakery company in the world has positioned itself as an inseperable companion of Mexicans, with its effective emotional marketing campaigns where the bear is the protagonist. But this jingle is not far behind:

“This is my country, these are my people. Good people who work, who dream, who reach and who look straight ahead ”.


This company, which is undoubtedly one of the most valuable in the world, has always accompanied its advertisements with music. He has used famous songs, Christmas carols and even artists like Motel and Natalia Lafourcade for his latest campaign “Wake up the magic”. However, the most memorable will always be the simple one:

“Always Coca-Cola.”

McCormick Mayonnaise

This jingle became popular in the 70s in Mexico to make this American brand indispensable in Mexican homes thanks to the slogan “Put it tasty.” It is so popular in the national ideology that the Ventaneando episode where the presenter Pedro Sola confused the Hellmann’s brand with the red cap brand has become infamous.

Tutsi Pop

The candy brand launched a special year-end commercial promoting its Christmas boot-shaped “Tutsibota” packaging. With the letter “Boot, boot and it’s not a ball”, the famous package of sweets always refers to those rest periods when we were children.


The soap brand launched this jingle with an iconic commercial that demonstrated its bar’s cleaning ability with a pair of vintage glasses. We have all ever said the phrase “Zest, it brings you back to life because it does clean and refresh.”

Do you remember any other jingle? Complete the list on our social networks!

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