The job letter of intent is a general letter, no more than one page long, summarizing the applicant’s key skills and work experience that directly relate to the position you are applying to.
It is similar to a cover letter and should cover the following topics:
- Education
- Employment history
- Skills
- Credentials
Only include those attributes that directly relate to the job. Keep it to one page. Your resume can fill in the remaining details, such as additional skills and experience.
Types of Job Letters of Intent
There are a variety of job letters of intent, each aimed at a particular situation or job type. Your letter should be customized to the type of job applied for or situation. They include:
- Continue working
- Planning to hire
- Nursing position
- Plan to promote
- Retire from a position or company
- Teaching including teacher’s aide
- Transfer to another job or department
- Leave on Maternity
- Physician
- Resign from a position
- Request for vacation time off
What is a Job Letter of Intent?
The job letter of intent is usually attached to a resume if you are applying for a job, however, it may stand alone if it is being used to advise that you will be on vacation or are planning to resign.
The letter introduces the candidate and provides a clear message why you are well suited for a position with the company. Include work experience and education that are relevant to the position, but do not rehash your resume. Review how you will help the company reach its goals using your experience and training.
Tailor the letter of intent to each position applied for and keep it to one page in length. This is your chance to introduce yourself and nab an interview.
How to Write a Job Letter of Intent?
The job letter of intent should always be customized to the position applied for. Keep it to one page, introduce yourself and highlight your skills, knowledge, and training. Focus on matching your skills etc. to the stated needs of the company for this position.
Each letter must be professional and free of grammatical and spelling errors. Many HR managers will immediately toss a candidate when they notice grammar or spelling errors. They often have many candidates, and this is one way of weeding out the candidates.
A cover letter and a letter of intent are similar; however, a cover letter is often used to apply for a specific position. A letter of intent is used to demonstrate an interest in working for a company in several potential positions.
What to Include in a Job Letter of Intent?
The job letter of intent should include the following:
- Address information for yourself and the contact in the company
- The introduction paragraph
- Skills summary and match to the company
- Call to action
Address information:
Include your full name and address with phone number and the person’s name, address, and phone number the letter is being sent to.
Introduce yourself, why you are writing to the company, the position applied for, or your interest in working for the company if there is no specific position.
Skills Summary:
Identify key skills, experience, and education and how they match the needs of the company and the job or position you are applying for.
Call to Action:
State your follow-up plan, if the position canvas indicates no follow-up is requested, indicate you look forward to hearing from the company.
- Always use a business letter format
- If sending your letter by email, include a concise subject clearing showing why you are sending the email
- When sending by email, include your contact details in the email signature
- Do some research – learn as much as you can about the culture, mission, and staffing needs
- Explain how you will add value to the department and company
- Highlight your strongest credentials and skills related to the company’s needs
- Do not repeat your resume in the Job Letter of Intent
- Make it short, 3 or 4 short paragraphs
- Always proofread your job letter of intent
Format – for a Job Letter of Intent
Your name, address, and phone number
Name of the person the letter is addressed to, address, phone number
Body – Paragraph 1 – Introduction
Body – Paragraph 2 – Describe Skills, Abilities & Credentials
Body – Paragraph 3 – Next Steps and/or Call to Action
Your Signature
More Details to Include – Job Letter of Intent
Your name, address, and phone number: This information goes in your contact information area if you are sending an email.
Date: make this the current date. Some people will post-date the letter to account for delays in mailing. There is no need to include the date when sending the letter by email.
Name of the person the letter is addressed to, address, phone number: address the letter to the person posted on the job posting. If there is no name, call the company to obtain the full name, address, and phone number.
Salutation: Keep it professional, Dear XXXX, use the appropriate salutation, e.g. Mr., Mrs., Ms.
Body – Paragraph 1 – Introduction: Introduce yourself and cover why you are sending the letter. Mention the job posting, serial number, or other identifier and title.
If there is not a specific job posting, mention your interest in finding a position with the company.
Body – Paragraph 2 – Describe Skills, Abilities & Credentials: Match your job skills and credentials to the requirements outlined in the posting. Provide examples, focus on your strengths to increase your chance of receiving a call for an interview.
Body – Paragraph 3 – Next Steps and/or Call to Action: Indicate your plan to follow up with the person the letter is being sent to. If the job posting requests that follow-ups are not accepted, indicate that you look forward to hearing from the company.
Closing: Use professional business terms such as sincerely or best.
Signature: sign the letter, include your resume and any other information requested and send these materials to the company. If sending by email, use your email signature.
Sample Job Letter of Intent
Your name, address, and phone number
Your email
Current Date
Name of the person the letter is addressed to,
Full corporate address, phone number, and email
Dear Mr., Mrs. Miss Name of Person,
I am contacting you to express my interest in working in (name of job) at (name of Company). I studied at (Name Trade School, College or University) and graduated in (year) with a degree (Name of degree or specialization). I believe I would be an excellent addition to your company and this position.
My experience and skills, (name two or three) meet your stated requirements in the job posting. In my previous position as (name previous employer – job position), I (describe how you used your skills to complete the job function) (Include one major challenge and how it was successfully overcome). I received recognition from (co-workers, supervisors, clients) regarding the achievements and milestones met in this position (These should relate to the requirements of the position you are applying to).
I am focused on maintaining best practices and learning new skills. I have (XX) years of experience working with (Name processes, applications, and software that relate to this position), including (provide examples). I am also familiar with the latest (add as applicable – standards, systems, laws, regulatory or government requirements) relative to this position.
I believe my training, experience, and knowledge, along with communication, and interpersonal abilities would make me a great fit for your company and this position. I look forward to speaking with you more about how my qualifications can make a substantial contribution to meeting your company’s goals.
Your Name
Job Letter of Intent (Word Template)

The purpose of the job letter of intent is to make an introduction to the company, summarize your skills, education, and experience and show how they will assist the company in meeting their goals. Always customize the letter to the company and the job or position applied for. Keep it to one page in length and only include those skills relevant to the position or company you are applying to.
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