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Class 10th Boards are Cancelled and there is one common question that strikes in every student’s mind “What next after 10th”? Science, Commerce or Arts? This is a common confusion which most of the students face. Every field has a lot of career opportunities but choosing the right stream in which students are interested should be the main concern. In this session, Vani Ma’am will share some of the Most Demanding and Highest-Paid career options.

Session PDF: https://vmkt.s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/app_youtube_sprints/Most+Demanding+Future+Careers+_+Best+and+Highest+Paid+Jobs.pdf

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✨✨ NEET 2022 Important Playlists ✨✨
➡️Respiration in Plants: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4_E5WmrJxv2mUXM-l0h1MaHSviYzY1U
➡️Structural Organisation in Animals: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4_E5WmrJxtNyHniB2lnJolK0FPxwqVv
➡️Cell Cycle and Cell Division: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4_E5WmrJxtlDpfM32WmF0k8iRoQirI9
➡️NCERT Underline for Class 11: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4_E5WmrJxsx285X1vdM9gBLHVCaiNrb
➡️Neural Control & Coordination: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4_E5WmrJxvSiPXAz2wU6-68AUhS2yId

✨✨Vedantu YouTube Channel Links✨✨
➡️ Catalysis By Vedantu – https://vdnt.in/Catalysis
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