Social media & the digital space provide a plethora of free marketing opportunities that you need to be taking advantage of to get both your brand and business message seen and heard. In this video Jimmy covers four of our favorites that are a great place to start which include a Google Business listing, Trip Advisor, Facebook and Instagram. With a little effort each day you can put your business in front of the customers you want to see in your coffee shop. The great news is, they won’t cost you a cent!
We hope you find this video hopeful and would love hear any comments in regards to your own experiences marketing your cafe. If you need any advice please leave us a comment and we’d love to see how we can help.
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Check out some of our other videos below!!
Espresso Bar Layout & Design Considerations:
Setting up a New Mobile Coffee Trailer – Part 1 With Hillside Supply Co.
Using Brew Recipes:
Delta Coffee Press v’s AeroPress: