When you send party invitation letters, you are hoping the people receiving them will attend your party. But there is no reason to purchase expensive invitations to encourage people to attend. In this article, you will learn how to write an invitation letter that helps convince your friends and family members they will have a great time at your party.

Tips for Writing Great Party Invitations

The goal of any great party invitation is to convince your recipient to come to your party. Here are some methods that will help you do just that.

  • Reflect the party’s theme and purpose in your invitation letter. For example, if your child is inviting friends to their Despicable Me Minion-themed party, include an image of a Minion or two in your invitation. If you are inviting friends to your wedding reception party, use a traditional wedding motif.
  • Include all the Important details in your invitation. Include the following information and any other details you feel are necessary.
  • Names of the party’s hosts
    • Who the party is celebrating
    • RSVP contact and deadline
  • Consider the party’s purpose when writing your invitation text. For example, a child’s birthday party invitation letter might be informal text, while you might write a graduation party invitation in formal text. You need a formal invitation for a wedding reception, but a casual one for a party for your best friend.
  • Consider whether you want to do handwritten or printed invitations. Handwritten party invitations are more personal than printed invitations. However, not everyone has the time or handwriting skills to produce handwritten invitations. Printed invitations are perfectly acceptable, although you should take the time to sign them.
  • Send your invitations at an appropriate time. If you are having a party during a holiday period, send your invitations early so your recipients will have time to mark their calendar for the event. If your recipients need to travel to attend, allow time for them to make travel arrangements.

Party Invitation Letter Format

{your name}

{your address}


{recipient name}

{recipient address}

Subject: Party Invitation

Dear {name},

{write an introduction here that reflects your party’s purpose and theme.}

{place the details here in any format.}

We hope you can attend. RSVP to {contact name} by {date}. We are looking forward to seeing you!


{your name}

Invitation Written to a Friend for a Party

Jessica Tolliver

2813 South Birmingham

Broken Arrow, OH 24399

June 22, 2032

Mallory Evans

2876 Elm Place

Broken Arrow, OH 24398

Subject: Surprise Party Invitation

Dear Mallory,

I am writing to invite you to a surprise party for Nathan. We are celebrating his acceptance into Elysium University and wishing him well before he leaves for college. He has worked so hard to get into his first choice of colleges and deserves some fun! Here are the details:

• 2813 South Birmingham (my house)

• July 2, 2032

• 9:00-Midnight

I will get Nathan to my house, hopefully without him knowing about the party.

I hope you can join us. Let me know if you can attend by June 30, 2032, at (962) 346-5997. Nathan will be so happy to party with his friends!



Birthday Party Invitation Letter

(Add images that reflect the party’s theme anywhere on the invitation.)

Melissa Harding

288 Elm Street

Jackson, TN 69449

May 2, 2040

Jason Matthews

2568 West Harrison

Jackson, TN 69449

Hi Jason!

I am having a Birthday Party and I would like it if you could come! There will be games and cake and ice cream, and it will be lots of fun.

My party is on May 15, 2040, at my house, 288 Elm Street. It is from 1:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon. Please ask your mom or dad to call my mom, Jennifer, at (546) 724-9347 and tell her if you can come.

I hope you will be at the party!


Formal Party Invitation Letter

(This sample is for a wedding reception, and the text is italicized for the formal occasion.)

Melissa Ann and James Ethan

Along with their parents

Invite you to celebrate their union

At a wedding reception following the ceremony

Join us for cocktails, dinner, and dancing

At the Broken Arrow Main Street Wedding Venue

Sunday, June 23, 2032, at 4:00 p.m.

RSVP by May 23, 2032, at www.Melissa&James.wedding

Party Invitation Letter (Word Template)

https://www.docformats.com/party-invitation-letter-format-example/Party Invitation Letter (Word Template)

Writing a great party invitation letter is easy if you know how to do it. A simple format can work for many types of party invitations with your creativity, from the casual to the formal and professional. You can use the above format to write any invitation letter you require. May your party be as great as your personalized invitations!

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