A cover letter for an internal position or promotion is a cover letter written by an employee who wants to be considered for an internal position or a promotion. You may find an interesting position or a possible promotion is available within your company. In this case, you can write a cover letter to submit with your resume in order to apply for the position. Writing this cover letter ensures your employer understands your desire to have the job and knows your qualifications.
Writing this letter even when you believe your employer knows your qualifications can influence the hiring manager to consider your application more closely. The letter should demonstrate your qualifications and your dedication to the company’s success. This letter demonstrates your initiative and your desire to further your career within the company.
Applying for Internal Positions and Promotions
The right time to begin considering an internal position or a promotion is as soon as you start working for a company. Of course, you cannot be promoted or moved within a company right away, but making yourself valuable to your employer can increase your internal opportunities. Examine those who have the jobs you might want, and learn their skills and qualifications. This way, you are prepared when an opening comes up.
A cover letter for an internal position or promotion is much like the cover letter you wrote when you applied at the company. It should be written in a professional format, using a professional tone. Before you begin to write, list your skills and qualifications for the job you want to obtain.
List these things as you prepare to write your cover letter for an internal position or a promotion:
- Skills you have learned at your current position
- Demonstrable successes you have had
- Opportunities you have had to assist in the position you want
Be sure you are ready to discuss these points with your employer in an interview.
The purpose of your cover letter is to let your employer know you are interested in the position and to demonstrate that you are qualified for the job. You can do this by using a professional format like the one below. You can get some ideas on using this format to highlight your skills and qualifications by reading the sample letter provided.
You can also accomplish this with an email cover letter. When writing an email, put your contact information below your name rather than at the top corner.
Cover Letter for an Internal Position or Promotion (Format)
{your name}
{your address}
{your phone number}
{your email address}
{recipient name}
{recipient company}
{recipient address}
Dear {recipient},
I was pleased to learn about the opening for a {position title}in the {department name} department. Please accept my resume for review and consideration for this position.
As you are aware, I have been with {company name} since {year}. I began as {first position within the company} and progressed to {next position} in {year}. {write other positions if necessary}
{discuss the skills you have gained in these positions here.}
I have demonstrated my ability to {skill} by {demonstratable success}. In addition, {demonstratable success}.
I hope to discuss this opportunity with you at your convenience. Please let me know if I can provide any information that would further support my application for this position.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
{your signature}
{your name}v
Sample Cover Letter for an Internal Position or Promotion
David Hale
2817 South Winston Avenue
Alamo, NM 89776
(927) 648-7224
May 18, 2022
Mrs. Annie White
Director, Human Resources
Jefferson Aircraft
89676 West 101
Alamo, NM 89776
Dear Mrs. White,
I was pleased to learn about the opening for an Assistant Production Manager in the Manufacturing division. Please accept my resume for review and consideration for this position.
As you are aware, I have been with Jefferson Aircraft since 2018. I began as an intern in production control and progressed to a production control clerk in the repair division upon my college graduation later that year. I then moved to the manufacturing division as a production control clerk in 2020 and progressed to that department’s supervisor in 2021.
I have learned to assess a work order’s material and scheduling requirements rapidly. I have demonstrated my capability to manage production with an increase in production of 15% this year. We have had no loss of quality or an increase in overtime. My ability to communicate effectively with both the purchasing department and the warehouse has been crucial to increasing production rates.
Last year when the current Assistant Production Manager was on vacation, I was given the opportunity to fill in for him. I was able to meet and exceed the Production Manager’s expectations at this time. I understand the job requirements, and I feel certain I am up to the challenge the position offers. I hope that my resume and qualifications demonstrate an employee dedicated to Jefferson Aircraft’s mission to provide quality aircraft parts in record time.
I hope to discuss this opportunity with you at your convenience. Please let me know if I can provide any information supporting my application for this position.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
David Hale
Cover Letter for an Internal Position (Word Template)

- Clearly state your desire to apply for the position or promotion
- Demonstrate your skills and abilities
- Show your success!
- Thank your employer
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