When people face a large change in their lives, whether it’s the fallout from a car accident or suing for workers’ compensation, it’s common for people to be at a loss for who to hire. Layers seem to be advertised everywhere, from television to ads on the sides of websites, and although you may have the best intentions, it can be hard to tell who’s right for you.
Large law firms seem vastly different from small law firms, and many don’t know what this difference means for them.

Your Financial Situation
There are often differences in how much a law firm will charge, based on its size. Surprisingly, it might not swing the way you assume!
Larger law firms can afford to hire more, and younger, lawyers who are still cutting their teeth and can offer services at an easier to swallow price. This size doesn’t mean that they don’t also have incredible professionals who have been working for over thirty years, just that there’s a sliding scale with age and price.
Where Do You Live
Which law firms are available in your area? A car accident lawyer in St Louis might be part of a larger firm because it’s a larger city, but a lot of that has to do with helping as many clients as possible. Smaller towns may have mostly small firms and unattached lawyers available, which can be fine as long as they have a good track record for winning cases.
What Type of Case Is This?
Some types of cases are more common, and therefore more likely to have whole firms dedicated to working with them. This doesn’t mean that they don’t take every single case seriously; it just means that they’re able to gain more practice off of this type of case than any other. These large firms usually focus on criminal cases, car accidents, malpractice suits, and other common reasons to sue or be sued.
What Do Reviews Say?
When you’re comparing two law firms, and you think the only difference is their size, look at reviews on them. Although there’s no way to predict if a person is genuinely happy or upset with their legal counsel- or if they’re reacting to the outcome of the case- these reviews can give you some insight into how these firms are run.
Don’t be afraid to look at reviews, and bring them up when talking to the firm.
When You Talk To Them: How Do They Treat You
Some people assume that large firms are number obsessed and want you out the door immediately. On the other hand, small firms with fewer clients may exhibit the same behavior.
When you talk to the firm, pay attention to how they treat you? You deserve respect and dignity; if they don’t seem to take your case seriously, they’re not a good fit for you. Furthermore, look for one that doesn’t just artificially act friendly to you to gain your money. It would help if you had an honest lawyer who’s willing to work hard for you to be able to win.