Hello, my name is Dinesh Jangid, in this video, I am going to share with you Digital Marketing Trends in 2021 in Hindi.
Digital Marketing is booming day by day so, everyone wanted to know about the future of digital marketing in 2021.
Here in this video, I will share with you 10 digital marketing trends that will boom in 2021.
If you like my digital marketing trends in the 2021 video then please like this video and share/ subscribe to my channel #DineshJangid.
Here is the list of Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends in India.
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Voice Search
Influence MARKETING (Micro Influence)
Content Marketing
Personal Branding
Video Marketing
Referral Marketing
Short Video
These all future #digitalmarketingtrends 2021.
Hope this Digital Marketing Trends guide help you lot. Please share with your fridends
Intro: 00:00
Artificial Intelligence: 00:16
Voice Search: 00:47
Influence MARKETING (Micro Influence): 01:27
Content Marketing: 02:12
Personal Branding: 02:49
AR & VR: 03:19
Video Marketing: 03:55
After-Sales: 04:50
Referral Marketing: 05:17
Short Video: 05:59

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