Once a course is completed, students are often required to sit for an exam. The exam could be a prerequisite to progress to the next class. Missing it could even lead to disqualification. Fortunately, students who miss an exam can seek permission to retake it. This is usually done through a well-written permission request letter to the principal for retaking exam.
A permission request letter is a formal document. It is usually written to someone in charge, in this case, the principal, to seek permission. When well-written, it could prevent you from having to repeat a whole year or semester.
Did you miss some exams you would wish to retake? Here is how to draft your permission request letter.
Information to Include in a Permission Request Letter
Retaking an exam can be stressful enough in itself. Aside from worrying about preparing for the exam, you shouldn’t need to stress over your permission request letter. Here is what your letter should include:
- Recipient Address – Begin your letter with the full school address. Also, include the principal’s name in the address so the letter can be delivered to his/her office.
- Date – Include the date you draft your letter. Essentially, this should be at least a week or two before the exams are scheduled to start.
- Subject – Add a brief phrase that captures the nature of your letter. For example, ‘permission request to retake exam.’ This will help the principal know why you are writing.
- Salutation – Address the principal by their proper name and title. Avoid using vague salutations such as ‘dear sir or madam’ and ‘to whom it may concern.’
- Body – Introduce yourself in the first paragraph. Next, explain why you wish to retake the exam and make your request. Make sure to mention the exact course.
- Closing – Finally, close the letter with your name, roll number, and signature. This will validate your letter.
Writing Tips for a Permission Request Letter
How you present your request is just as important as the content of your letter. After noting what to include in your letter, here are some tips to help you deliver your message effectively:
- Use a polite and professional tone.
- Address the principal by their proper title
- Be clear and to the point.
- Keep your letter short and on topic.
- Avoid using slang, jargon, or unfamiliar references.
- Don’t over-explain your reasons for the request.
- Proofread your letter before sending it
Permission Request Letter Format for Retaking Exam
{Principal’s Name}
{School Name}
{School Address}
{City, State, Zip Code}
Re: Permission Request to Retake Exam
Dear {Mr./Mrs./Ms. Last Name}
I am a {study level} student at your school. Due to {give reason you did not perform your best in exam}, I believe I did not perform to my potential in the {course name} exam. I am writing to request permission to retake the exam on {retake date}.
On {date of exam}, {further explain what happened during the exam}. I was, therefore, unable to {complete the paper/concentrate, etc.}. I believe I can do better, given another chance.
Retaking of exams is scheduled for {date}. I look forward to receiving your reply.
Thank you for your time.
{Your Name}
{Roll Number}
Sample Request Letter for Retaking Exam
26 October 2030
Pauline Snow
Ford Business College
123 Highway Street
Fort Worth, TX 73456
Re: Permission Request to Retake Exam
Dear Mrs. Snow,
I am a Business Management student at your college, currently in my third year. During the Accounting exam held on 21 October 2030, I was suffering from a severe case of food poisoning. I was, therefore, unable to complete my paper. I am writing to request permission to retake it.
Although incomplete, my exam paper was graded. I am disappointed in the grade, as I believe I would have done better if allowed to complete the exam. This opportunity will allow me to remedy that.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time.
Crystal Jones
Application format for Retaking Exam (Word Template)

Drafting a permission request letter to principal for retaking exam can seem daunting. This is especially true if you missed several exams. However, once you have your reasons straight, you can always reason with the principal.
Introduce yourself and explain your situation. Make your request in a clear and precise way. As you express yourself, remember to stay on topic. Don’t get into detail about irrelevant matters.
Finally, draft your letter in a polite and professional tone. Use formal language and avoid any jargon, abbreviations, or unfamiliar references.
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