A pregnancy leave request letter is a formal letter that informs your employer you intend to take leave to welcome and bond with your new baby. A pregnancy leave request is also called a maternity leave request. Address your request letter to your immediate manager as well as your human resources administrator. Offer all the necessary information your employer needs to understand your pregnancy leave request.
This request letter is a formal document, and you should write in a professional letter format and use a professional tone. This article will teach you how to write a pregnancy leave request letter. We offer a format for writing your request letter. We have also added a sample letter to provide some inspiration.
Plan for Your Maternity Leave
The first step in writing your letter is to make some decisions about your maternity leave. Here are some of the things you should know before you begin to write your leave request.
- The date you plan to begin your pregnancy leave
- The anticipated status of your workload
- If you are willing to work from home before or after giving birth
- How you want your employer to contact you during your leave
- How long you plan to be away
- The date on which you plan to return from leave
- Ideas about who could handle your workload while you are gone
If you are unsure about returning full-time when your maternity leave is completed, wait to discuss this when you are sure. If you are certain you wish to make a change to your work schedule upon return, you can add this information to your letter
How to Write Your Maternity Leave Request Letter
1. Begin your letter with your request. You can simply write “I am writing to inform you that I am pregnant, and I would like to take maternity leave.”
2. Offer the leave details. Outline important information about your leave here. Include all of the following.
- Your due date
- The last date you plan to work in your workplace
- If you would like to work from home before your due date
- How long you plan to be on leave
- The date you plan to return to work
3. Discuss your workload status and suggest options. Your employer needs to know what you will have completed before you leave and what will need to be done while you are on leave. Suggest one or more coworkers who you know are willing and capable of helping with the extra workload while you are on maternity leave.
4. Provide contact information. Provide your preferred method of contact. Email may be preferable because it will not interrupt your newborn’s rest – or your own. You might want to check-in when you feel ready to begin communicating with the office after the baby is born. If you want to offer to work from home at any point after your baby is born, add that information here.
5. Thank your employer. Also, offer to answer questions and further discuss your leave.
Pregnancy Leave Request Letter Format
{your name}
{your address}
{recipient name}
{recipient position title}
{company name}
{company address}
Dear {recipient name},
I am writing to inform you that I am pregnant, and I would like to take maternity leave.
My due date is {date}. I plan to continue to work until {date}. {If you would like to work from home during the last weeks of your pregnancy, discuss this possibility here.} I would like to take {number of weeks} weeks of maternity leave and return to work on {date}. I anticipate returning full-time and resuming my duties with the same dedication and high-quality work I now deliver.
{Discuss the anticipated status of your work on your leave begin date; Detail any long-term projects that need to be worked on while you are on leave.}
While I am on leave, I suggest {coworker name} be in charge of {project or part of workload}. {Detail your plan for the distribution of your workload here.} Please consider these suggestions as the beginning of an ongoing discussion about handling my workload while I am on maternity leave. I am happy to discuss this proposal and any concerns you may have.
During my leave, please contact me at {your email address or phone number}. I am sure my baby and I will need rest, so please leave me a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you have questions or require any further information, please contact me at {your work email or phone number}. Thank you for allowing me this time to care for my newborn.
{your signature}
{your name}
Sample Pregnancy Leave Request Letter
Elizabeth Berkshire
200 West Seminole Avenue
Mannford, OK 89726
March 30, 2032
Jessica Haversham
Manager, Customer Service
Acme Aircraft Manufacturing
300 South Jamestown
Mannford, OK 89726
Dear Mrs. Haversham,
I am writing to inform you that I am pregnant, and I would like to take maternity leave.
My due date is June 22. I plan to continue to work in the office until June 12. I wish to take twelve weeks of maternity leave and return to work on September 22. I anticipate returning to work full-time and resuming my duties with the same dedication and high-quality customer service I now deliver.
I plan to have all my accounts in order, my records up-to-date, and my reporting finished before June 12. Weekly and monthly reporting will need to continue in my absence, however.
While I am on leave, I suggest Andrea Jones and Jason Howard handle customer service for my clients. I would like to inform my clients that I will be on maternity leave and let them know who they can count on while I am gone. Please let me know if this is acceptable. Please consider these suggestions as the beginning of an ongoing discussion about handling my workload while I am on maternity leave. I am happy to discuss this proposal and any concerns you may have.
During my leave, please contact me at ellieb@email.com or on my cell at (268) 399-4227. I am sure my baby and I will need rest, so please leave me a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you have questions or require any further information, please contact me at berkshire_elizabeth@acmeair.com. Thank you for allowing me this time to care for my newborn.
Elizabeth Berkshire
Elizabeth Berkshire
Pregnancy Leave Request Letter (Word Template)

- State your request clearly.
- Provide leave details.
- Discuss your workload status.
- Offer solutions for handling your workload during your leave.
- Provide contact information.
- Thank your employer.
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