In a welcome development in the last few years, many Indian women are becoming ‘Mompreneurs’ – skillfully balancing between the simultaneous births of their child and a great business idea – un-fashioning the famous Indian idiom ‘Chulha, Charkha, Aur Chakki’. Still and all, the job of a mompreneur is not as-easy-as-ABC, it involves the finest of time-management and efficiency – but the mompreneurs of the 21st century are taking that extra effort to build great businesses and causing societal reforms. One of such mompreneurs is Pallavi Utagi– founder of Superbottoms.

Pallavi did her MBA from Mumbai and started working as a brand-manager – she worked for several atypical brands like iPill, iCan, and iSure. After doing exceptionally well as a brand-manager and accomplishing a very good repute, Pallavi got married in an equally important development of her life. Marriage and subsequent motherhood demanded her to quit her job, but life gave her a chance to utilise her talent by throwing difficulty at her.
After the birth of her child, Pallavi realized that modern-day diapers are not good for a baby’s skin and the customary ‘langots’ are not useful as they need to be changed frequently. Pallavi researched and developed a material that is additionally soakable and launched her brand ‘Superbottoms – a diaper that offers the convenience of a disposable diaper and comfort of a langot’.
“Another concerning issue for me was the hazardous effects on the environment that the disposable diapers caused,” Pallavi told KenFolios.
Though her brand received a good response initially, it was not easy for Pallavi to sustain and scale the business while looking after the critical responsibilities of motherhood, but her experience as a brand-manager came in handy and she used a smart marketing model to develop her business. She started interacting with others new-to-parenthood and formed them in Facebook and Whatsapp communities. The idea along with Pallavi’s good communication skills helped her trigger meaningful conversations and build decent business for her brand. Her efforts became fruitful when she started getting a number of compliments.
“Once a parent of twins challenged me that it won’t last for a whole night. But the next morning she called me in shock and said that it really did last for a night. That was the most overwhelming compliment and made me believe in my idea” – Pallavi told KenFolios.

Though not a very rare, but Pallavi is one of those women setting examples of a parallel birth to a child and a business idea. A business idea(2016) emerging out of personal difficulty mothers face has now transformed into a multi crore revenue brand serving more than a lakh customers. The brand is growing at a humungous pace of five times every year. Palllavi is now consistently working towards making it a Rs. 100 crore revenue brand by the end of 2023. An example of making proper use of skills acquired in life and troubleshooting a problem, Pallavi’s story is apt to inspire many mothers to turn ‘mompreneurs’.
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