Sometimes, being a landlord is a very stressful job. You’re not only responsible for the safety and comfort of your tenants, but you also have the job of collecting rent. In many cases, landlords depend upon scheduled rent payments to settle their bills. When payments are delayed, there may be serious consequences for both parties.
So, as a landlord, you have certain legal rights. You can make a written demand for rent payments and have this serve as legal notification of your intent to escalate matters if necessary. While there are requirements for landlords as well – such as trying to work through payment issues personally before turning to legal measures – a strongly worded demand letter is a step towards debt recovery.
What is a Final Notice Letter for Rent?
Guidelines vary depending on where you are in the world, but most countries allow a written demand for rent after a delay of eight or more weeks. This demand letter is a little different from payment reminder letters, which are sent at an earlier stage and must give the tenant ample opportunity to settle their debt.
If the situation escalates and you need to take your tenant to court for breach of contract, demonstrating this progression (from the polite reminder to final demand) will further strengthen your case. Always write professionally. Avoid letting your frustration show because, legally, you have a much better chance if you show good manners to your tenant.
Remember, it’s not about who is in the right. It’s about following expected processes of escalation so that you can recover your money as quickly as possible. Fighting and insults between warring parties tend to complicate matters and prolong disputes.
What to Include in Your Final Notice
- The Facts and Figures. Start by stating the basic facts of your dispute. These are the most important details and must be very clear. Do this no matter how many times you have already stated the information in previous letters or messages. Include the exact amount of rent owed, the date the rent was supposed to be paid, and by what date it must now be paid (before legal action is taken).
- Your Attempts at Resolution. Next, clearly state the dates of any previous attempts to resolve the rent arrears. This includes phone calls, emails, and letters to your tenant designed to remind them to pay or give them a deadline to pay. This is where you prove you have given the individual plenty of opportunities and done as much as you can to help them. It’s important because, if this final demand is ignored, you can take steps to have the tenant evicted.
- The Next Step. As this is a final demand for payment, you can use strongly worded terms but write professionally and impersonally (don’t insult the tenant). Explain to the tenant that they must settle the debt immediately or face legal actions that may result in their eviction. Give the individual two to five days to fix the issue. Make it clear that, if payment isn’t received on the date specified, legal escalations will occur.
Final Notice Letter for Rent (Format)
{Your Address}
{Tenant Name(s)}
RE: {Tenant Property}
Final Notice for Overdue Rent
Dear {Tenant’s Full Name},
I am writing to inform you that your rent is still in arrears. The rent payment scheduled for {Original Payment Date} and totaling {Rent Amount} continues to be overdue. It must now be paid immediately, or legal action will be taken to recover it.
I have contacted you numerous times over the last {Duration of Dispute} to request that you make the scheduled payment and given you plenty of opportunities to do so. I first {First Contact} on {Date of Contact} and then {Second Contact} on {Date of Contact}.
If the rent amount is not paid by {Time} on {Date}, I will consider you in breach of contract and begin legal proceedings against you.
If there’s any reason you can’t pay, please call me urgently on {Your Phone Number} to discuss the matter.
Yours Sincerely,
{Your Name}
{Contact Details}
Final Notice Letter for Rent (Sample)
992 Drummond Street
Newark, NJ
FAO Timothy Winders
RE: 4657 Pinnickinnick Street, Piscataway
Dear Timothy Winders
I am writing to inform you that your rent is still in arrears. The rent payment scheduled for 03.21.2032, and totaling $756.90 continues to be overdue. It must now be paid immediately, or legal action will be taken to recover it and, possibly, evict you from the property.
I have contacted you numerous times over the last ten weeks to request that you make the scheduled payment and given you plenty of opportunities to do so. I first emailed you with a reminder on 03.30 2032. I then sent you a letter and a further reminder email on 04.07.2032. Two attempts to contact you by telephone were made on 04.10.2032 and 04.12.2032.
If the rent amount is not paid in full by 2 pm on 04.17.2032, I will consider you in breach of contract and begin legal proceedings against you.
If there’s any reason you can’t pay, please call me urgently on 609 984 5356 to discuss the matter.
Yours sincerely,
Dalton Carruthers
Final Notice Letter for Rent Template

The Final Word on Rent Demand Letters
The important thing for any landlord is not to let frustration get the better of them. Be professional and well mannered in all conversations and exchanges with tenants. The better you treat your tenant, the easier it is to determine when they are acting unreasonably and/or unlawfully toward you.
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