September 23rd, 2020 | 2pm BST, 9am EST

With the ability to reach over half of the world’s population,  Social media is a critical part of any organisations’ strategy. But it’s a constantly moving and evolving set of platforms, opportunities and considerations for strategists, marketers, ecommerce, CX and comms specialists.

From the rise of social commerce through to the impact of Covid, trade wars and increasing data regulation, this webinar covers some of the key trends and talking points from our latest social media best practice guides.

The webinar will be presented by the author of these reports Michelle Goodall, a social media specialist with more than 23 years experience and you will have the chance to ask her questions.

This webinar will cover:

  • Reflecting on the evolution of social – where are we today? What’s changed? Where next?
  • The social media ecosystem – are you getting your strategy right?
  • Trends and key talking points from the reports
  • Q&A

To access the webinar you have to be a subscriber

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