30-second summary:

  • Knowledge gap stands as the biggest challenge for AI technology adoption and implementation
  • Our AI Summit 2020 is a cost-free event that aims to equip marketers with the much needed knowledge to adopt AI, realize AI’s true power, and know how to create strategies that can create huge competitive advantages.
  • Brian Solis, IBM Watson Advertising, Adobe and Esri are our headline speakers
  • More details on why marketers can’t afford to miss this golden opportunity

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been looked at as an “industry game-changer” but has merely become jargon than actual hands-on technology.

While it continues to grow rapidly – the AI market is expected to grow from $28.42 billion in 2019 to $40.74 billion in 2020 at a CAGR of 43.39% — we observed that the knowledge gap stands as one of the biggest challenges for AI technology adoption and implementation, and our AI Summit 2020 aims to help businesses address exactly that continuum.

For a better idea, these quick facts perfectly display the AI-related challenges faced:

  • According to Gartner, only one in 25 CIOs reported applying AI in their business verticals
  • Retailers that implemented machine learning for personalization gained 2X as compared to retailers who did not
  • According to a McKinsey, only 8% of respondents across industries said their AI-relevant data are accessible by systems across the organization
  • Only 3% of an organization’s data meet the quality standards needed for analytics

About the ClickZ AI Summit 2020

Our AI Virtual Summit on June 25, is a half-day event that aims to equip marketers with the much-needed knowledge to adopt and realize AI’s true power and know how to create strategies that can create huge competitive advantages.

AI is the next dream boat that marketers need to be on in order to stay ahead of the curve. Why?

  1. Better customer experiences
  2. Lower CPAs
  3. More profitable and customer-focused business 

Our event headliners help you become AI confident and AI ready

Leading experts along with cutting edge AI technology providers will enable you to discover the realistic power of AI, what you should be doing/using right now, and explore what’s next.

Confirmed speakers:

Brian Solis

AI speaker Brian Solis

Brian Solis is a world-renowned digital anthropologist and futurist. He is also an award-winning author and global keynote speaker. 

Brian’s research, advisory and presentations humanize the relationship between disruptive innovation and its impact on institutions, markets and societies. 

He not only helps audiences understand what’s happening and why, he visualizes future trends and inspires people to take leading roles in defining the future they want to see.

Brian serves as Global Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce. His work focuses on thought leadership and research that explores digital transformation, innovation and disruption, CX, commerce, and the cognitive enterprise.

Dave Neway

AI Speaker Dave Neway

Dave Neway is the head of product marketing at IBM Watson Advertising (formerly The Weather Company’s ad sales business). 

Watson Advertising offers marketers and agencies a suite of media, data, and AI technology solutions to help improve decision-making and reduce costs across key facets of the marketing lifecycle – from media planning through measurement.

In this role, Neway is responsible for ideating the go-to-market strategy for all Watson Advertising offerings. He works closely with the offering management team and key stakeholders to position, price, and present Watson Advertising’s products across media, data and technology categories to the marketplace. 

Previously, Neway was director of sales strategy, where he created, developed, and executed plans to drive business across consumer packaged goods, pharmaceuticals, and financial services.

Tim Waddell

AI Speaker Tim Waddell

Tim Waddell is Director of Product Marketing for Adobe Experience Platform. 

He has been with Adobe since 2009 working on a variety of projects, but always with a passion for audience activation built on rich customer profiles. Tim brings significant experience in the online and traditional marketing disciplines from both the customer and agency perspectives. 

Prior to Adobe, Tim built and managed the Bing marketing analytics team at Microsoft. He also managed MSN’s commerce team, driving the demand generation program and developed packaging solutions for partners. His online experience began with the launch of Travelocity, managing the advertising and sales efforts.

Robert Yocum

Robert Yocum is Marketing Technologist at Esri, an international supplier of geographic information system software, web GIS and geodatabase management applications.

Robert functions across the Marketing Technology suite to integrate and use tools to advance the capabilities and maturation of the overall Marketing Department. He works with Change Enablement, Data and Analytics, IT, and marketing groups across the enterprise to create, prioritize, and implement new capabilities to advance digital marketing best practices.

To book your seat for the AI Virtual Summit on June 25, sign up free of charge here.

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